
Natalie Ang ♥

Ask @natnatcat

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What made you smile today?

The thought that this has been such a great Freshman year and the excitement of what is to come next year!

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Was there some scandal with drinks and stuff with some guys?

I'm not old enough to drink here so I actually have not been drinking since college started so nope. I actually don't go to drinking parties either so I think you must be mistaken.

Heard you have been having fun with some guys at Uni?

Yup I've made some good friends, girls and guys included and we hang out and chill from time to time ~

How do you surprise other people?

Handwritten notes and small treats like their fav sweets or chocolate are the way to go when I want to surprise people :')

Do you miss anyone else but your boyfriend?

? Of course I do!!! Being away from Singapore makes me miss home and miss all my friends so much. The notion that I would only miss my boyfriend is kind of ridiculous since I'm blessed with so many caring friends who have always shown their support for me throughout the years in whatever I do :')
Liked by: Teo Guan Hoe

I am ok. But your boyfriend won't be. Anyway, you are leaving for the states soon...

Oh I guess if you put it that way :/

How to be friends if you are attached? Sad :(

We can still be normal friends what :) I mean why not? Unless you feel awkward that is

What do you think about more than anything else?

Right now at this point of my life: 'c'mon I only have x number of days til my next off day I can do this'
'Omg a few more months til US I need to get my shit together'
'I'm go to orchard everyday yet when can I shop?'
'What's my roster like for this week?'
'X more hours til work ends for today maintain pls'
Yeah so pretty much just about work, off days, shopping and when am I leaving for USA

Keep it together and have a great year Nat! :) I wonder will you ever come back to Malaysia?

Dennis Tan
Thanks Dennis! ^_^ possibly soon actually, might be going in June :) I'll let you know if I do!

Hey nat, dun worry about what others may think about you. I'm with you! (:

Awww thank you so much :)) It means a lot! xx
Liked by: Pitbull

You so fast change of heart?

Tbh you're not the first person to ask me this. I won't explain everything but all I will say is that its been 5 months alr and there was no point for me to be stuck in the past. Maybe some people feel that its fast but for me everything was up to God's plan. Different people have their own ways of dealing with breakups and believe me I didn't exactly have an easy time dealing with it, but since Jan I told myself that it's a new year and I wanted to be able to move forward with my life. Change has never been easy for me and I'm the kind of person who wants to consider all factors before I make any decisions, so, I have thought long and hard about every decision I have made including things to do with relationships, friendships etc. "Change of heart" seems very harsh actually. I believe that you don't really stop loving people, you just aren't "in love" with them anymore. And sometimes maybe that's for the better. x

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The person I'm in love with got mad with me today. The more effort I put in, the more the person seems to dislike me. Today, she went so far as to tell my friend that I'm being disrespectful just because I told my friend to pass a message to her. What this all about?

( Sorry about the late reply btw! ) Hmmm, I'm not sure if I'm right and this is just my opinion but I feel that maybe she feels like she doesn't want others to know about her private things or something? It seems to me that there is some misunderstandings here and the best advice I can give right now is to talk to her directly and try to sort things out? I always believe that the best way to sort out a problem with someone is to talk to them directly because sometimes when messages are passed the way it is being passed may not have been effective and that can result in misunderstandings. Just my opinion ^^ Good luck :)) Hope everything goes well.

What happened with YC?

Long story, shall not go too much into detail but basically it just was not going in a good direction for the both of us, I'll just leave it at that :) If you want to know more about it or anything like that just text me or something?

How many games do you have on your phone?

If by game you mean the one where my phone dies and I have to take out the battery and restart then I have just that one.
Liked by: Teo Guan Hoe

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

I really like sweaters because I just find that they are very versatile: when its warm out I can roll up the sleeves, and when its cold they'll keep me warm (esp in malls 'cause malls in Singapore are like always super cold for some reason) and they look nice with any bottom (shorts, skirts, pants) so they are easy to match :)

Where and when do you get your best ideas?

Inspiration always strikes at night/early morning for me! Hmmm it depends but usually when I'm around nature :') peace and serenity

HI. WERE U AT WOODLANDS MAC TODAY. HAHAHAH. I thought I saw u, or at least someone who looks like u.

Really? I didn't go there today. I was working so I was at orchard the whole day :) maybe you're hallucinating :o

What's your favorite sport? do you practice it? do you workout?

Don't really have a favourite :) But I like to play outdoor sports and games occasionally! I do but I haven't worked out in a while due to studies and I went on holiday


Idk, like Feb/Mar 2013, I think I was just bored and needed some distraction from all my assignments hahaha :P

awww so friendly. thanks Nat:) You will be missed when you go overseas:(

Thanks Louis! ^_^ Awww that's so sweet of you! I'll miss you guys too :)) don't worry I don't leave til September!

Alrightey. Actually, I'm really happy to hear that you're enjoying yourself right now, though it's at a slight expense of your physical health. Hehe, rest well then, and bon voyage back! :D

Hahaha no lah, I've survived with less sleep than this :p But thanks! :)
Liked by: Byolind

Haha, I understand that you want to maximise your time awake but still, do remember to get your precious beauty sleep. It'll help level up on your cheeriness! :)

Awww, I just want to stay in Jeju longer so this is my attempt 'cause once I wake up its breakfast then we're leaving! But awww thanks for the concern, probably in another 15-20 minutes I'll go to bed ^^

Brilliant Nat, haha, yes HIIEEEEE~ I'm fine. Up on cloud nine, now that you mention it, cuz my awesome buddy just 'HI'-ed me. ^-^ I totally miss you and hope you're doing well. Hehe, how's your holiday?

Awwww you are so sweet :)) I miss you loads too! Yeah I'm doing great, it's been really awesome but its ending soon, its my last night here and tomorrow's just full of flights :o

omg Nat how are you on askfm when you're supposed to be enjoying yourself in Korea!! I miss Korea alr nuu :'(

My room in Jeju has wifi + I want to sleep a bit later 'cause tmr flying back so can catch up on sleep on the plane :)) Awwww, next year if got chance we can go there together before we go uni! Or anywhere else actually ^_^

I didn't ask the previous question, and I think you'll know who is 'asking' this (it ain't even a question), but I think Amath is better hehe. I respect your opinion on cats though. Diversity~

HAHAHA HI BYO ^^ Yes I knew you would think that, Amath is long over for me though! Yes yes :)) How are you!!!


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