
Qistina Yahya

Ask @naynxy

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lelaki dan wanita, mana lebih sensitif?

This is probably just me but I think women are more sensitive (i myself is a highly sensitive person)

how would you describe your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend?

Someone who appreciates, that’s all I need

I want to marry someone who’s when I see his smile, I feel like everything will be just fine. Is that possible?

You’ll find your true love one day xo

Im speechless bila crush cakap "you nanti i balik sini, i kahwin dengan you je tau since i takde calon lagi ni" 😭😭😭 Doakan I please, thank you ❤️❤️


Game ap yg xbosan?

Pubg. Rayman Adventures. Game masak2. Game hidden objects. Banyak lagi sebenarnya

What is the best way to deal with stress?

Dulu saya panas baran tapi bila dah diagnosed hbp saya cuba amalkan sikap pergi mampus and try not to think about it that much

Have you ever tried to learn song lyrics by heart to impress your friends with singing long verses?

No, never 😂

Saya betul2 suka dia tapi dia suka org lain... Mcm mana nak tunjuk dia yg saya betul2 suka dia

Tunjuk effort tapi kalau dah ada org lain tu jangan le pergi kacau

What is the difference between living and existing ?

Amni Nuruddin
Existing is like merely being present in this world. Living would be like giving meaning to your life, some sort of justifying to your existence. You could exist without being alive, but to be alive you would have to exist. Good question, Amni.
Liked by: Amni Nuruddin

If you were to win $10 million, what would you do with all that money?


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