

Ask @neazkilam

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Are you the kind of person who wants to be the big fish in a little pond or the little fish in the big pond?

too much is never well x

What is the most important thing to know?

1.Allah (SWT)
2.Mohammed (PBUH)

Would you rather have $50,000 free and clear or $150,000 that is illegal?

$50,000 like i sed money aint dat important to me prolly would be rated a 0.001 out of a scale of 100 pmsl
n who sed im gonna trouble myself for money? smh.

Do you prefer day or night?

night, cos i can look at the moonlight n the stars whilst thinking of my javadd (idk why i always call him javadd thoo i guess i just love it ;) ) n way 2 many 2 even mention

How important is money to you?

not a bit compared to how important my family, my friends, javadd and everyone else is important to me!

Is it more important to love or be loved?

umm this is tricky cos it just comes back yanoo
if you love someone they are being loved :p lol
i prefer to love :D x

What's the worst thing you have ever done?

having a crush and wasting my time on a bullshit which i regret -.-
girls, dont waste your time over shitty bastards that dont care abt you

Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

depends thoo, cos hazza is hot wiv curly hair ;) but i prefer short yano javadd huh? yeh, he got short hair :p x

What is the purpose of life?

respect your parents, educate yourself, marry who you love, spend time wiv fam, take care of yourself x

What names do you want to give to your children?

too much to mention lol :p
but main ones:
girl: waliyha, zileh, atoofa
boy: bilal, jawaad, qadir, munaib, daniaal
n way 2 many 2 even mention x

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

my first serious crush was in seventh grade but for like 2 month, and he was a piece of shit pmsl n no i didnt date him glad i didnt even tho he knew i had a crush on him (cos of shitty friends who i cant keep my trust wiv) he and my "so-called" friends are such fags they still think i like him, they wish lmao
anyways i will forever stick to javadd tho ♥ he's the nicest guy i know ♥ he's a thief he prolly stole all yar hearts :p x

What is your attitude to smoking?

umm i dont really mind because it's their lyf so no one shud judge yano, javadd gets a lot of hate and gets judged a lot and it really annoys me -.- but i consider its better not to just for the sake of your health :)

What's the most delicious fruit?

uumm idek so much to choose from lol but i would have to say strawberries x

If the whole world were listening, what would you say?

haters are a waste of time, they talk shit bhind your back only cos they are left bhind x


Language: English