
Laura Murphy

Ask @nelson30

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What's your favourite subject and who's your favourite teacher?

My favourite subject is art, with mrs Taylor (:

Awh you're so lovely! and I think you have on of the prettiest faces in the school! x

No, I don't. But if you think that then thanks dear x.

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Would you be so hostile, and do harsh to Laura if it was to get face, and she knew who was posting it??? NO!! You bloody wouldn't be, You people make me sick!!! Your what's wrong with the with the world!! Laura, your a lovely person!! And I love you!!! Everyone can know who posted this, it was Ella.

Thanks Ella :))

Who do you love?

A certain someone. But things are complicated and I'm just too shy to talk about all this love business.

laura, you're stunning, and you're lovely! you're an amazing and talented person with an amazing taste in music and i honestly cant think of anything i could ever hold against you! don't ever feel like you aren't good enough, you're amazing <3xxx

Thanks, I guess, that's reallynice of you,but I don't believe it x

You are one of the most prettiest girls in 3rd year!:)

Nah, there is alot of people who are more pretty. But if that's what you think, then thanks, that's really awesome!

Stop bullying her. The only reason she was sitting alone is because we fell out. You don't know what she goes through. You should ask if she's ok instead of laughing at her cause of her scars. She went though a hard time and needs to be happy an enjoy life without you ass holes!

Megan MacLean

You don't deserve this hate Laura your a lovely girl and not a emo and you most definitely shouldn't kill yourself :)

I don't intend to xD thanks hun:)

You are so pretty and because you not super skinny it's just make you so much more beautiful, don't loose those curves own them. :)

Thank you so much! You really made me smile x


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