
Jessica Yun

Latest answers from Jessica Yun

Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?

Depends on the animals. Depends on the art. Depends who I'm going with

If you could invent a holiday what would it be?

Stay In Bed And/Or Do What You Like With Whoever You Like Day.
I sort of have this already but I WISH IT WAS EVERY DAY

you wore your maxi skirt so well in your blog post! I likey :3

Hahahah aw thankyou that's so lovely of you! Even though I disagree, maxi skirts don't seem to like me very much in my opinion..
Have a wonderful day! ^.^

Jess, give 2 reasons why you like/don't like about Nicholas and Nick, same question.

This is now N/A, but I'm going to go ahead and predict this anyway HAHAHA
Jess on 2 things I don't like about Nick:
1. I'm sad that he doesn't like to talk about politics and stuff with me but that's ok
2. HAHA There's this one thing that he does when we were holding hands but would have to walk past/avoid people, so he would put his hand on my shoulder whilst still holding hands with me so my hand would be on my own shoulder which felt weird
Jess on what she thinks the 2 things Nick doesn't like about Jess:
1. I whine a lot according to him (I'm not denying this per se)
2. I like to eat out a lot / I'm probably not as active as he would like hahahaha (in terms of activities ok. I lift and shiet orite)

Language: English