
Nick Lucius

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mostly and if not theres at least someone out there that Is willing to try to like all the same things for you, and that someone is a lot closer then you think

How close?

You're not looking hard enough hunny(;

Not looking hard enough?? So your telling me there is someone out there that likes everything i like?

Oh those ur besties cuz Olivia and Kat always talk about how your self conceded

Well that's not very nice... But i really dont care. ;)

Hey do u like Kat cuz she just got out a relationship and ur all over her and flirt with her

Nope! And i dont think i flirt with her but if you see it, cool!

Is lacrosse hard to get good at if you start when you are older?

Yeah, i struggled a bit starting off, but getting hit a few times solved that.

r u offended she didn't invite u to her birthday? I asked her if she invited u and she said she would if she knew u better

Not at all, we dont really talk, and it would be kinda awk.

What do you look for in a girl?

Really, no one is going to believe me, but mainly personality really, i like someone that is not super duper outgoing to the point where it is annoying. Also, a girl that likes to be physically fit. :) Like a sport or something. Rather than most, i like a "cute" girl, rather than a "sexy" model covergirl. But it all depends on the guy, but thats just me!

You wear that same button up every week. Don't worry you look cute in it so yeah

Am i not allowed to wear something one week, wash it, then wear it the next week? Haha and thanks! ;)

What was your mile time? Did you feel like dying after running like me?

6:30 with the baby baker! And umm yeah, i guess so....

Do you have a bandaid? Because I scraped my knee Fallin for you c;

Oh, well i lost my phone number, so can i have yours?

Top ten biggest pet peeves

1. The side stringy crap on the side of a paper
2. Nails on a chalkboard
3. Anything abnoxiously loud
4. Girls, i dont understand them, besides the white girls, i know them pretty well.
5. mY biggist pet/peevev is when nobudy can spellll anyting write.
Liked by: Alyssa LaCuesta


Language: English