
Nicole Fraczek

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you seem nice, you're beautiful; why don't guys like you? i kinda like you..

I'm actually a complete bitch..unless I like you:) and omfg please come off anon or text me:')
Liked by: Bronwyn Henry


Thoughts; we met at cadets but we didn't really like each other:p we started to become a lot closer over the years and now we're really good great friends! I can trust you with anything and you are always there for me❤ we have our ups and downs but we always work through them:) I can't wait till your semi!! We're gonna have so much fun!:')


Bronwyn Henry
Tbh; bronnie:') we met last year and became close friends right away! I can trust you with anything and I know you won't tell anyone! You are always there for me and I will always be there for you:) it sucks we don't have any classes together this semester:( hopefully we do next semester though! You always give the best advice and always help me with anything! I'm really glad we became so close and still are:') oh yeah and you're super pretty and really nice!
Liked by: Bronwyn Henry

Thoughts; I miss youu:( I never get too see you:( but you're really pretty you have nice hair, and you are hilariouus

I miss you too!! It sucks we don't have any classes together! And thanks!:))❤❤


Language: English