
Nicole Fraczek

Ask @nickyfraczek

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you know I'm not pressuring you or anything, just surprising to see such a beautiful girl like you that's single.. maybe you're not into dating right now, but I'm sure any guy would be happy to call you theirs ;) ;$

Liked by: Tanya B.

Thoughts; I miss u nickyyyy grade 8 was sick haha hanging out all summer you're pretty and super nice! But everytime we try to chill now it never follows through haha, text me sometime

I miss you too, it was:') I miss those days:/ thanks☺️ and I know we should just plan to hang out way way ahead of time so that this time we can actually chill:)) okay☺️

tbh-idrk that well but youre on my bus and in my french class and youre so pretty. snapchat me sometime:)~madison18r rate-10/10:*

thank you:* and okay:)

Thoughts: I swear we used to hangout everyday in the summer of grade 7 & 8, but it's been forever since I have talked to you :(! You are a really nice girl & oh my gosh so pretty ❤️ message me anytime!!

awe I miss those days:') thanks!:) and okay I will!:))

Incase no one has told you today.. You are loved and you are beautiful keep your head up and move forward:)❤️

awe thank you:)


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