
Nicole Bernadette

Hi Nicole! What did you eat at Gudetama cafe? :)

Hey☺ Firstly, I never announced this officially on my Instagram but those who are closer to me know that I'm not longer vegan, but I'm still vegetarian (no meat but I consume eggs and dairy from time to time).
Now that that's out of the way, I had a matcha smoothie and Ta-ma-go (cheesecake). The other food in the picture on my Insta is my mom's or sister's.

Latest answers from Nicole Bernadette

Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

Just a few really close ones☺️

What insects are you afraid of?

Things with too many legs or none at all. Like caterpillars/centipedes and worms😖

What's the best way to apologize?

Changed behaviour is the best apology! And show some form of remorse I guess - say sorry and mean it👍🏼

Have you ever thought of having twin or triplets children?

Yes!! My mom's a twin so there's a chance I may have twins too But it's up to the man upstairs HAHA🙏🏼

Language: English