
Nicole Bernadette

What do you do when you missed that someone? (Plot twist: that someone already left you & broke your heart but you couldn't hate them for what they had did)

Well, it's a really terrible feeling to miss someone who doesn't feel the same way but the only way is to move forward and forget about that person. There are so many fishes in the sea and maybe that person was put in your life so you could learn. I'm sure there's someone out there who's going to care about you and not hurt you the way that person in your past did.
If you really have that love and forgiveness in you though, no harm trying to talk things out with that person from your past. But if he/she still doesn't feel the same way then honeyyy, you gotta learn to let go. Have fun with your friends, go clubbing and enjoy the freedom! Meet new people, focus on your work/studies - be successful and focus on self-love☺️🙌🏼 When the time is right, someone amazing is going to come into your life💖

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What do you do when you missed that someone? (Plot twist: that someone already left you & broke your heart but you couldn't hate them for what they had did)

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Wow.. hmm just keep reminding yourself that the person dosent serve any purpose in ur life anymore and that for new things to appear, old things need to disappear.
Eat, read or play piano. Diversion. Given the fact we're hurting, we can't stay that way. We shouldn't let that pain last. We don't deserve the pain that person inflicted on us. That's why we shouldn't entertain missing them.

Language: English