
Nicole Bernadette

What is the best way to fix a broken heart?

Food, family, friends, great company, shopping, reading, watching movies, art, taking care of yourself, self-love, more food etc. - anything you enjoy doing and going back to what you did when you were single!💁🏻

Latest answers from Nicole Bernadette

Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

Just a few really close ones☺️

What insects are you afraid of?

Things with too many legs or none at all. Like caterpillars/centipedes and worms😖

What's the best way to apologize?

Changed behaviour is the best apology! And show some form of remorse I guess - say sorry and mean it👍🏼

Have you ever thought of having twin or triplets children?

Yes!! My mom's a twin so there's a chance I may have twins too But it's up to the man upstairs HAHA🙏🏼

Language: English