

Ask @niggadeeeze

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stop asking yourself questions hahaha

Hahaha oh damn. Ogaaay you caught me. I admit I'm asking myself questions guys damn it. You anon should be a detective. Good on ya mate zzzzz

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Naw I would but then you would find out who I am lol. Good night Jodeci! I'm glad you had a good day today! Have a good night xxx

yeah thats the whole point lol honest i wont be immature about, i will continue to respect you no matter what. please? (look you got me begging)haha

I hope you had a good day today handsome! Don't forget you're an amazing gift from god <3

naaaw, hope yours was 10x better. you are made in his image no doubt and his grace also lingers within the words you speak. Thankyou :-)

What does it mean to be independent?

for me, it means to stand on my own two feet and acknowledging the help others have lent me to where i am now. to be bold and courages, be smart and clever. working hard and blocking out any irrelevant distractions that may hinder or block my path.

Who was your childhood hero? Who is your hero now?

growing up i used to watch xmen heaps so wolverine was my fav (still is) lol my hero now? Big fella upstairs <3

Looks like you're pretty Skux with the little girls. Lol

lol yeah i have this skuxinator 3000 remote that allows me to channel into any age group of girls i want to attract and i guess lately it's been switched onto 'little girls' shuz always forget to turn the dial :/

aw well said (: but still, in the future, i bet you will be an amazing husband, father, uncle and one day grandfather and i think you will be number one at everyone of those titles. you are one blessed and gifted young man i must say <3

naw, and no doubt blessing will overflow in your life and family too my friend :-) <3

hello, sorry if this is random as but i just want to say, judging by what you say and how you treat other girls, you must be top noch boyfriend material aye, i mean any girl would be lucky to have a guy like you or even know someone like you. society needs more men like you. yeah ha okay bye.

oh wow thankyou for your kind words my friend :-) but top noch? Me? Na no way far from it, still tryna learn how to tie my own shoe. To be a top noch bf would be flattering but to be the best loving and kindom building husband for my future wife and kids would exceed past amazing. Thanks again anon for you words, stay bleesed <3

aw well, i think guys could take advice from you and learn from you haha, you're mum would be proud to see how well you treat the ladies :b <3

well mummy did tell me to treat other girls how id treat her lol

Tbh I would come off anon or text you but I'm just scared that if I do it will make things awkward between us and we will probably loose our friendship so yeah xx

having feelings for a friend is normal and trust me it won't make things awks..ive had friends like me before and we're still close friends haha text me :-)
Liked by: Ta'a Filipo


Language: English