

Ask @nights1212

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What can you do to make this world a better place?

People to give each other hugs everyday and not ask stupid questions like "Why are you doing that?"

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sad life you live. seeking for attention of a girl who doesn't care about

Your words amount to dust. :3 You got something to tell me, grow a pair and tell me off anon.

We didn't do anything, you were just in the background. I actually sat next to you on the plane but didn't know it, so we talked, exchanged numbers, you said that you thought you've seen me before and asked me if I had an ask.fm and I said yah its Alexandria you said oh I do know you!

I miss you Lexi.

Soo haha Gonna s'il up most of what you asked me: How was your Day?favorite food?favorite animal?birthday?can you cook?favorite place in the whole world?:D

Awwww Laurine, you're so lazy! My day has been good, i don't have a favorite food, animal are dogs, birthday 19th of October, yup i can cook, anywhere with friends and beautiful girls. ;)

Rather be gutless than disgustingly ugly

One day I'll be loved because of who I am. :) PLEASE, tell me you're gonna be loved while being gutless

Looks like some one hit you with sticks and stones in the face

someone* :) Looks like someone cut out your intestines because you're gutless. :)

Lol that's all you can come up with shit face?

I dunno, are swear words the only thing you can come up with, you sweat from a baboon's ballsack? :)

Wait you mean you just fell on the floor!? Your messing your face up even more!? STOP!!!!

You really have a fetish for exclamation points don't you? :) If a key board were a woman, she'd have filed a restraining order against you.

Again how can a person so ugly be human are you sure you're father isn't some type of orangoutang? Or in the gorilla family??

Excuse me while I pick myself off the ground for laughing my ass off from what you're talking about when you say "oragoutang". XD

Actually that was English unless you can't read then we have a HUGE problem.

It might of been. :) I'm not sure. I've trained my eyes to skim over long paragraphs of an idiot's ramblings. How else would I survive Religion class? XD

Wait "I dunno" that isn't English it's "slang" according to you are you so dumb as to not know to use I don't know? Also how would god hallucinate from his own saliva that doesn't make much sense hun now does it?

I'm not sure if what I read was English or the sound of your stupidity escaping from your ass crack. :)

Do you're mom fuck the ugliest man on the planet then make you?

I dunno. Was God half asleep when he let your pathetic self be made or was he simply hallucinating from his own saliva? :)

Ill remember that grades aren't important when you are scrubbing my floors sweetie :*

No problem. :) Here's the deal. I'll scrub your floors, while you live a life of lonliness? :) Sound fair Anon?


Language: English