
Noah Kiessling

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Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

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Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

National roast a pig day fuck cops

Just sayin this is why you have drama with your ex

Nah i had drama with her because she makes a scene and yells at me to get out of a party that the owner wanted us to come into

No matter what she did or didn't do, you shouldn't go right into another relationship. And to be honest Chloe shouldn't want a guy who just broke up with his gf.

Well thanks for the moral lesson but i think im doing pretty good right now so im not too worried about what happed back then

How long were you broken up b4 you got with Chloe?

Ok first of all you don't know half the stuff that she did that let us up to breaking up again not like it was the first time julia went to the same dance that i met chloe at for the same reason to go find some guys but then she got pissed when i showed up and met chloe

Maybe this doesn't apply to you. Asshole. Think outside the box

Literally don't understand the subject inside the box which I'm suppose to be thinking outside of so stop using riddles and maybe actually tell me what ur talking about

What is it that you like in a girl

Sweet, caring, good girl devious mind, relaxed/ gos with the flo, not super self concous about her looks, short, happy person and shes gotta love her kk

Isn't it funny how things turn out. I love karma!!

Ya i love karma shes a babe but remind me why it is? Haha

I cant find a fun boy whos not acually a dick in the end and idk why the hell why:(

Thats legit so easy stop going for fuck boys easy to spot- bucket hat, camo cargos shorts acts like a loud obnoxious bitch jus for attention u get the idea if u jus open ur eyes

Is it smart to try and make friends with your enemy

Depends on why your enemies.. if what they did to you wasnt legit really bad then id say way not. There are circumstances though when they deserve to stay your enemy..personally anyone who makes that list for me goes down in permanent marker but thats just me

Yo fuk all the haters Chloe is hot af especially compared to ur x

Thanks good to know theres atleast someone who has there eyes open haha

Not going to the gym anymore? Saw you the other day thought you looked kinda small bro

Guarantee ur smaller than me bra

You make me laugh just like your stupid rabbit tatoo

You make me laugh how u have nothing better to do than go on mine and my girlfreinds asks just to be a anonymous bitch and im sure thats who u are a know body

So why doesn't Chloe take care of her if she's starting shit?

Because i dont even wana give her that attention that it seems she still so desperately needs by having chloe get involved

No cuz you'll "beat my face in". Then everyone will think you're crazy haha. Your Ask is funny as hell

If everyone will think im so crazy then what are u afraid of and no i prob wouldn't i dont need to waist my time on somthing like you. The one person who u did do that too deserved it and that was forever ago

Haha you talk a lot of shit

Coming from the one who's asking me all this anonymously cause ur too scared to come off like i said, say it to my face or stop being a pussy on my ask

You shouldn't show up to places you don't belong bro

If ur talken about that party las night 1st my gf knew the house owner so i did "belong" there hahah and second if u have a problem with me why dont u say it to my face next time and ill settle that for you
Liked by: juliaa_nguyenn

Haha big words. I think the coward is the one who is all talk and no actions

u seem like ur implying somthing towards me wanna explain

What is your definition of a coward

Someone who says that he wants to tap ur ass ur gf when ur not there and then whines like he didnt deserve it when u beat his face in

whats the meaning behind your tattoo

It very personal, and its not even finished yet when it is, it will tell everything about myself without any need for words. But only for those with the eyes too see

If she fucked with someones guy then she deserved it lol but no some El Toro girls jumped her or gonna jump her

Then the girl who has a prob with sierra needs to settle it herself without all this publicity bull it just looks desperate for attention

Did you hear Sierra got jumped by El Toro girls?

Ya it wasnt eltoro girls it was some older crazy ass bitch

Your friend Sierra is a whinny bitch and needs to quit running her mouth.

Shy doesnt seem to whiney too me?..

Did you hear about the sex pics?

Nah havent heard anything like that recently except from s few obvious chicks


Language: English