

Ask @nobody103030

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Je li ljubav komplicirana? Zašto?

Zasto?Pa nezz....
Nekada ako si zaljubljen/a u neku osobu i ne znas voli li te on/a nazad....to zna biti tesko.No i veze same po sebi su teske jer nekada jednostavno naiđes na prepreke koje ne mozes preskociti i moras ih rijesiti.Nicija veza nije savrsena.No na tome se moze poraditi naravno.

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you probably can't think of who i am 😔

Btw,forgot to say smth
If I can't remember who u are and can't think of anyone that only means that I forgot u and moved on bcz I wanted to and bcz u probably weren't worth thinking of,just for the record (no hard feelings and no offense)

prva 3 koji like ti ih sljedis :*

The feeling when u realized that you know every word to the song even tho u haven't heard it in almost 2 years
prva 3 koji like ti ih sljedis

Da možeš imati ulogu u bilo kojoj TV emisiji, koja bi to bila?

Keeping Up With The Kardashians
Ali samo sa upoznam Kanye Westa.....
(KUWTK se oslovljava kao reality show ali nista tamo nije reality .-. )

too bad then 😏

Don't do this
Or I'll have to find some Ask.Fm hack to find out
Shorten my time,pls


Language: English