
noelani guevara

Ask @noelaniiguevara

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How is it a lot of commitment ?

i talked to my friend kyra who goes go college, she rushed for a sorority and she said it was fun but theres alot that comes with it like, you cant dress a certain way, you cant act a certain way, you cant be seen with the "wrong crowd" just too many rules. like ok let me just leave home where i have a shit load of rules to follow anthen go to college and follow more rules!!!!!!1!1!!1
Liked by: kyra madison mcvay

Then prove it. I think your talking to other guys behind your boyfriends back:)

i dont need to proove anything to you because i see my boyfriend just about everyday and hes always playing around with my phone so no, im not doing anything behind his back so hop off my dick anon (-:

why'd you blur out your texts?? that's honestly really shady

hahaha it was a joke, i literally dont text anyone😂😂

I used to have a thing with this boy but I still love him, and idk he flirts with me & kisses me and stuff but he's talking to this new girl and he told me he's going out somewhere with her tonight but i didn't ask and he's just keeps telling me he's going with her and idk what to think of that.

didnt even bother reading that whole thing

I remember seeing your bf at a party wasted out of his mind and he tried fighting a bunch of fuckboys lol

sounds about right lmao


my dad, my cousin, and Rj lol those are ALL the guys im texting (((:

I have major respect from you moving on from leilany. You matured up while she's still doing the same things she's always been doing. Good job for leaving her behind and really stepped up in your life

why thank you (:

Do you like long hair or short hair better on others?

doesnt matter, i wish i could pull off short hair


Language: English