

Ask @nojinnyno

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Jinny<3 i love your art stuff. LOL. they are so beautiful and i can't even draw a straight line, im so jealous. anyways you have nice sense of style and i'm going to miss you in my llm <3 & you better kept those selfies i took of me on your phone (; you're beautiful & we should talk more okay :*

omg thank you very much. haha I think I only kept like one of those selfies you took. I'll let you do it again sometime if you want ;) and yeah let's talk moooore
Liked by: chantelle

Tbh Home Skillo... Kay well your kind of amazing. Your absolutely stunning your incredibly talented you always know how to make me smile :** your hilarious you trustworthy and im all around jealous of every aspect of you. ILY HOME SKILLO <3

darn you home skillo. :') I love you too thank youuuuuu.
Liked by: Hilda Snyder

Jinny! Tbh I don't even talk to you much, but I've noticed that your flawless. I mean you probably get this a lot but you are the most amazing artist I've ever seen, and you have an awesome sense of style, and you are sweet and pretty!

oh man Jenna you are seriously so sweet. thank you so much. shall we talk more?

Thoughts on dudemeister (btw do you even know my real name)

no I have no idea what your name is sophia anyways hmm well I think that you are weird as heck sometimes but that's what makes you cool as heck at the same time. you best be happy I bought you that meow shirt that I am coincidentally wearing right now. you're beaut and I haven't seen or talked to you much in a whiiiile ok bye dudemeister

thoughts ob bailie?

bailie is suuuper pretty like wow and her photography makes me want to flail wildly. she seems really cool even though I haven't really talked to her much. I would like to talk to her more though and I also like the bathew stinn de ligt thing going on right now ;)

thoughts on maya?

maya is super gorgeous and really nice from what I've experienced but the only contact I've had with her in like the past 3 years is seeing her in the hallways haha I guess I would like to talk to her more
Liked by: maya kai

thoughts on that girl martina?!

that girl martina is gorgeousss and she laughs and smiles so much it's contagious
she is very nice and a very fun person to be around
I can't be or say anything interesting around her for some reason (wait maybe it's just because I'm horrible at socializing woops) so I sort of fail to become her (or anyone else's) friend
anyways yeah I still love her even though I'm probably not considered her friend

thoughts on jessica L?

jessica is really pretty like holy and she's really nice. she's really fun to be around and dependable although i don't talk to her much anymore either
Liked by: Jessica Liu

thoughts on faith anne?

faith anne is really really pretty and seems so outgoing and funny and I feel bad for not telling her happy birthday sooner haha
that is pretty much it since I barely talk to her anymore :(
I hope she has a nice happy life


anybody who has nicer qualities than me so everyone bahaha
have I done a satisfactory job of answering your question

What do you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

wow this person likes me enough to let me into their house

Thoughts on lindasy?

Ahhh Lindsay <3
I only just got close to her in grade 6 but she's a greeaaat friend. She's real beautiful and i love her poofy hair and her trustworthiness and she's got a way with words for real. She always knows what to say and I'm jealous
She gets the best grades ever uggg and she's good at like everything wow
We always have the best times at the mall (and we used to at school too) together stalking people, making new friends and singing hahaha
I say we've had our ups and downs but we're past them
I miss her and hope she comes back to visit soon

Thoughts on Irene??

Well Irene is really beautiful inside and out wow and she's so nice and outgoing and she talks to a lot of people and it seems like she has a lot of friends. She has a really kind personality and is so funny and is quite popular around here ;) she still makes a point to try and talk to me sometimes and that's really nice and yeah
Irene's really great :)
Liked by: Hilda Snyder

Why the hell did you get ask fag

hold up lemme try this again
I'd rather you didn't use derogatory slurs used by ignorant people to insult someone (out of all the words they can choose) or degrade someone because of their sexuality
And why not get an ask, it's sort of fun man
Ok, sorry I'm done

thoughts on hilda??

Ahh Hiiiiildaaa. She's so nice and she's b e a u t i f u l and she's very funny and a tinge weird but that's what makes her cool B)
The fact that she tries to talk to this weird butt over here is really really nice
She's also extremely grey if you didn't know
Liked by: Hilda Snyder

Thoughts on faithanne?

Uh well I used to be her friend sort of way back but I don't really talk to her anymore
She's really pretty and she has lots of friends and she's real outgoing, funny and yeah :)

thoughts on maya k?

Ah maya is absolutely beautiful and she seems like she has lots of people and friends who care about her. We were never really that close but we were in the same God squad and talked a little if that counts haha. I'd really like to talk to her a bit more if I can :)
Liked by: maya kai

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