
nureen faqihah

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Setuju x masalah utama remaja skrg adalah cinta? How to solve it ?

Tak jugak. The way to solve is, love will always blind you. Love is good and love is bad. Everything is on you. Balance your life babe.
1. Focus on your parents
2. Focus on your dreams/ ambition.
3. Then, you can focus love.

I have a crush on my classmate. Since early of my degree years. But I don't comfortable to make a first move. What should I do?

sometimes, it's better to make a first move if you have a crush on that person. Means, you are brave and bold. Crush won't always stay forever in your heart but those actions that you made probably could be a miracle in your life, ae? Just try. If you don't, it's not regretting or whatsoever but i think it's an achievement that you did out from your comfort zone? (it's what i think when i did liking someone). :)

If you could take one thing to prison what would you bring in with you?

video games or short stories and poems

What will you do when you can’t get into sleep?

listening to music and daydreaming or watch movie or go to tumblr

Sebab apa yang kita boleh bagi jika kita tidak hadir sekolah selama 3 hari??

Sakit, family holiday, personal matter, kerja.

Does it matter if you couldn’t speak Malay in Malaysia

Unless you are a foreigner, it's fine. You have your own rights if you want or not to speak in Malay somehow look at the situation where you at. If you can't speak Malay, just speak in English. Better or worse, just learn it'll be fun. :)

Pernah tak korang rasa korang banyak mengusahkan orang sekeliling especially family? Dan rasa better korang takda lagi bagus?

Yeah, ada. Sometimes. But don't let those things bother you so much. Somehow, we think it that way because we over think of ourself as our inner demon say so. HAHAHA too much saying. Just don't make yourself give up. That's all

Beef steak, tuna steak or Portobello mushroom steak?

beef steak. haven't tasted any those two. how does it taste?

What qualities do you think are necessary to having a successful career path?

determination, precision, discipline and passion


Language: English