Baik,cantik,mancung,lo bestie gue yg paling top ❤️ Etc love you so much Dinda ❤️❤️ "Anjayy shns *emoticon banyak*" "APA LAGII?!!" "Ahahahaha ciee" "Apaan?" "Ape?" "Anjayy *emoticon*" "BAHAHHA LABIL AH LU" UDAH SEGITU AJA BTW DIND GUE MINTA DOANYA YA BENTAR LAGI GUE UN US ❤️ MWAHH WKWK
5q : 1. Nama lengkap? 2. Kelas / Sekolah? 3. Cita - cita? 4. Quote? 5. Pap with Best Friends
1. Fatimah Nur Elma dibalik :) wkwk 2. sekolah kali wkwk 3. dokter tapi belum pasti 4. "sekuat kata dan rasa kalo tuhan bilang tidak,Mau apa?" -yajugaya 5. Done wkwk
that there are limits to patience but we must learn to be more patient Yes usually because I feel right and it is true and they oppose and finally I lost my patience haha lol #sfbe