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Minta pndpt dong. Jadi gw pnya cowo nah dia tuh kalo lg butuh gw atau mo ketemu atau kgn dll maksa bgt buat ktmu tapi gw selalu ada buat dia. Nah giliran w lg butuh dia tapi dia gaada buat gw, bukan karna sibuk atu apa. Intinya dia gapernah ada disaat gw bener bener butuh dia. Gw hrs gmn dong:(

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translated: Ask for a message. So, how come it's really like that, if I need it or if I find it or can't, then use it for you, but I'm always there for him. Now it turns out you need it, but it doesn't work for me, not because it's busy or anything. The point is that he has always been there when I really need him. How come I should :(
i'd say you should be honest with yourself and with that person. busy is a lie. if you wanna make time for something/someone then you will.
Samaa kita senasib.. Aku lagi ngerasain itu.. Tunjukin ke dia kalo kamu jg ga peduli sama dia. Gmana pun jg kita butuh feed back.. Kalo yg berjuang cuma sendirian pasti lelah. Aku jg sering nangis kenapa punya pacar ga ada peduli2nya :(

Language: English