

Ask @octopushair

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first and current impression of siti

(oh my god)
we were online friends before 2013 so
first impression of her irl wow giant specs and she's really nice and stuff
current !!great listener and still nice (sometimes) and there are times where you want to slap her with a damn lamp but shes my hoe hahah
Liked by: cassandra carine!! boob

aarreersrena tbh u are someone i can't lose also becus idk what i would do without bb HAHAHAHAHAH just jk but u are really a gggrrreat friend 💖💞 and also someone i can go to when i have problems!! hahah i hope we wont lose contact even aft sec schl ☺️💖 and u call me bb i shy HAHAHA

thx jav don't be so stupid alr and also I didn't ask for a tbh....HAHAHA I DIDNT CALL U BB ITS. A. TYPO
Liked by: jav.

why do you wanna slap me with a lamp I'm so nice (((unlike Siti)) and why u think I ang moh cause I'm like really classy and sophisticate right?

no because you were a swifty and you liked coffee
Liked by: cassandra boob


Language: English