
Nyrin Naomee Odisha

Ask @odisha23

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i'm not the only who thinks you sound like mila kunis am i?

Probably. My voice isn't as husky.
Also...Shut up, Meg!
Liked by: Mr.R

if your first child was a girl what would you name her?

No way I'm giving that away! ... That or I haven't decided yet. (._.)
But either way, it's gonna be something kickass!

Would you please post a picture of yourself in a bikini please please please

Don't hold thy breath.

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did you know you are widely worshiped as a goddess and defender or a particular state in india? and are you aware that they have a nude idol of you there?

I don't know about a lot of things that don't exist.
Be a dear and bring me a photo next time, will you!
K bye! :)
Liked by: RAIDORK

do girls pee out of their butt?

As much as boys pee out of their nipples.
At least my theory gives men's useless nipples a purpose.

have you ever crapped and served it of as yogurt and watched people eat it?

Isn't that a "crappy" dessert...

If a guy came to you at work and introduced himself as Hanna Montana and I mean him saying hi my name is Hanna Montana what's yours how would you respond ? & what would you think ? Oh and the guy is a new worker to

I'd appreciate his sense of humor and get to know him better.
After all, he came in like a wreckingggg ballll.

there was this beautiful woman your friend i think that asked me out :) i told her i had to think about it she started crying so i said go screw yourself then i mean crying woman ??? ain't nobody got time for that was i right ???

First of all, she was most definitely not my friend, otherwise I'd have known of it earlier.
Second of all, take your own advice (& "go screw yourself").

Have u ever had body image issues or eating disorders?

Binge-eating disorder (BED).
That's right. I'm a chronic eater.

what will you never lick?

On a human being or in general because if it's the latter, the list will go on a while.


Language: English