

Ask @olivia_lovesyou24

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I'm mad at myself for being too much of a pussy to not try and get to know you, but at the same time, I'm happy for you because I know you'll be happier in Ohio than you ever could staying in this hell hole. Best of luck to you and all that you do.

Awe thank you so much. but you can still get to know me

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

me myself and I... I'm the only person I get along with. and I am the only person who understands myself :-)

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What is one thing you have tried to change, but couldn't?

The way I react to things, but You know it is a lot harder then it looks ?

What is the worst mistake you have ever made?

Not taking the chance to live with my dad.
so that's why I'm probably doing it this time in 4 days

Who was the one person? What is there initials?

it was Dawson Abercrombie. and he is the sweetest most caring human being. I've never met anyone nicer or who has more respect for the people around him

You could ask any girl in your grade and they would all say you're one of the meanest girls in your grade? You treat people awfully yourself Olivia. Stop acting like you don't feed into drama because you do, more than the next girl.

because none of them know me. and I don't and I haven't been. I'll listen to it of course but I'll never put my input into it not anymore anyway. and no one will take the time to get to know me. try go on what they heard. that's okay though I'm moving probably back to Ohio. so idc


olivia_lovesyou24’s Profile PhotoLivs
You know what's crazy? and a couple things I've noticed is that the people that said they will always be here for you, and always be your shoulder to cry on...are never their or anywhere around when you need them most. Another thing, when something happens to you, but it involves someone else... Everyone thinks your automatically the bad person. I've had a pretty rough 5 days not saying why but I am saying rough. I can honestly say 1 person no joke, one person has been here through it all. Not left me once. It's sad to know society is so mean and cruel. Along with the high school girls. Their ruthless and will stop at nothing to make your life a living nightmare. I have been bullied before, I have probably been called every name in the book, what's awful about it...is that it's mostly always by another girl. I have a question, What in the world happened to Woman empowering other woman or girls empowering other girls? does that not exist anymore??? and most of all here did all the respect go?!? from boys to girls and girls to girls and boys to boys? It's sickens me knowing I live in this modern day world. Because we are taught that most things are OK. your 5 and call another little girl a name...well just say sorry and it's okay, right?? Because in that moment all you care about is not getting yelled at or having your friend mad at you. so you say sorry an move on. But in all you know you should not have said it to begin with. I can say the girls I go to school with...have awful attitudes give you the meanest looks will talk about you to their friend right in front of you, but want to continue sitting their saying that they hate drama they hate fake people they hate everything to do with drama. all I have to say is HELLO wake up it's you starting it all. I may have a "resting bitch face" but that's juste you should probably get to know me before you judge me next time(:
I'm done

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What is the most important thing to know?

Don't listen to anyone.
You do you.
Only grind to please yourself.
don't F*** with broke niggas.
Dress to impress.
Put on the biggest smile and throw up the bird :)
Liked by: madison west


Language: English