
Olivia Panus

Ask @oliviajoannap

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I tried adding you on snapchat but it said couldn't find user :( I think you spelt it wrong :(

My snaps chats oliviajoannap

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6 of ur bestfriends? Ps I like ur hair (:

Victoria Joseph rachelx2 Anna xavier Charlene Sarah Kristen daisy Paloma tasya that's more than 6 oops

Thoughts on Joseph Sapinoso, Brian Kamau, Chris Romualdo, Micheal Popov, Adam Little

Joe: best friend
Chris: so funny
Brian: so nice
Michael: says hi to me every day he's so nice
Adam: really nice but barely talk to him

the girls were probably just scamming you guys

That's what we thought tbh but all they got was our numbers and we got business cards

That's so weird and cool at the same time. Are you excited? If you become famous, hook me up too ok? ;)

AHA it's not for sure but if it happens then ofc ;))

How did u and Vicky and Rachel get asked to model for some agency? Like what happened?

We were leaving wonderland and these two GORGEOUS girls come up to us and asked if we were interested. We were hesitant but eventually gave em our names, number, height, weight etc and they said that they'd contact us for an interview. That's what happened
Liked by: monique

Lmao r u gonna say thx 2 ppl who commented

Yes I will, if they took the time to comment, then I'll take the time to say thank you (:

MEAN, fake and wearing a shit ton of makeup in that pic

Thanks.. this is the first time I wore makeup in a LOOONNNGGG time


Language: English