

I need relationship advice. I am only 13, but I think I might be falling for my friend! (She is a girl... like me) she is bisexual, but I am about as far from her type as I can get. I get weird feelings around her like butterflies I suppose. Idk if this is a phase or I’m making it into something.

I’m not the best person to ask but tell her how you feel and hope for the best. But at the same time, you don’t want to ruin the friendship you already have.

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I need relationship advice. I am only 13, but I think I might be falling for my friend! (She is a girl... like me) she is bisexual, but I am about as far from her type as I can get. I get weird feelings around her like butterflies I suppose. Idk if this is a phase or I’m making it into something.

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Maybe that's because you like her, why dontt go and try your luck?
You know what, sometimes people fall for someone that's completely not their type.😎
It's normal to have feelings for someone even if you are 13, but dont hurry up. If you will have a relationship now, you may broke up with her in some weeks and after things will change. I dont wanna say you're to young, but you should take care of her if you love her. You dont wanna lose her, am I right?
But if you feel it's the right time and person, tell her you got some feelings and see what happens, but from my experience, I can tell you, you're going to regret. It's better to have a relationship when you're older and I can tell you some more if you need and answer. Good luck my girl?
Well tbh as I said to the other boy some weeks ago, I prefer u to write to me on IG so I could better advices and build up a proper convo. Will be a pleasure for me to help u☺️💕

Language: English