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Latest answers from ollithecanadian

Your honesty is refreshing. I hope Chloe reads it and takes it to heart so she can see where she needs to make improvements.

I've lied enough in my life. All it ever does is hurt people. Thank you again for being insightful, sometimes we need a hit to wake us up. I'm done being the shallow asshole at the root of someone's pain. And Ask.Fm, I would say it's been fun but it really really hasn't 😉 stay frosty

Every time a girl was playing the skank instead of thinking you were being nice, and let's face it your ego totally gets off on the attention, you should never have reciprocated the compliment and should have posted a photo of your Chloe and said this is my gf isn't she beautiful.....,,

You make some fair points, you do. And although you claim to know Chloe and I, your opinion on our relationship is vastly one sided. So fuck it, here's the truth. When I dated Chloe for the first time, I overdid it. I am a really really sensitive guy, I dove in too deep and came on too strong. And as a result, she left me, said I was clingy and started dating some other guy within the week. Now that, yeah that one fucking hurt. Because I did post pictures of her, and I did tell her how beautiful she was. And in the end, it screwed me over. She hated it. I know Chloe well, and I know she's not the emotional type. So when we decided to try dating again, I did everything I possibly could to suffocate my every emotion. I didn't want her to see me as weak again. And that's what I've been doing ever since I had to move away. I've been pushing all my emotions for Chloe out of the way. And maybe you see that as a malicious intent. But it's because all I ever wanted to do was tell her how much I loved her, how gorgeous she was and how important she was to me. And I was terrified, that if I told her that, she would see me as weak again. And yet it still surfaced sometimes, I couldn't help it. But when it did she never reciprocated. Hell.. She stopped posting about me long before I did, she stopped complimenting me months ago. And when we finally broke up I only let her go because I wanted her to be happy. I still want her to be happy. So yes, that was my girlfriend, yes she was beautiful.

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One last thing, Chloe totally nailed it when she said she wasn't the one who had to "hang out with 13 different girls everyday". That was how you and you alone brought on the demise of your relationship. The onus sits squarely on your shoulders .

Oh really? First off, that's an enormous exaggeration. I generally see one girl every couple days, let alone 13 a day. Secondly, these girls are my friends from long before I met Chloe, there has never been anything between myself and them. You don't appear to be aware of the fact that I still, weeks after our split, have not engaged in any romantic activity with those of the opposite gender. Unlike, unfortunately, Chloe. But I'm not here to talk poorly about her. I don't think I'm blameless in this, no. I've never claimed to be perfect. But I loved Chloe, and I gave her everything I possibly could, and I would have done anything for her. What can I say, that's just the truth. I trusted her with things no one else in this world will ever know. My apologies to her if I truly was responsible for our demise, but I gave it everything I could. I was fiercely loyal to the end and beyond. She will always have a place in my heart. I'll miss her. But what else is there to say, I'm done here.

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We broke up Olli it doesn't matter anymore I don't know why we fight and treat wag other like this

Okay. I don't hold anything against you. Take good care of yourself 👍🏼

And may I ask who else thought that because I'm sorry but last time I checked I ruined my relationships with friends and family for you I lost my viginity to you I did everything for you Oliver. I'm not the one who left or hung out with 13 different girls everyday.

chloeesorensen’s Profile PhotoChloe
I can't throw other people under the bus, but I'm not making this up. I wish I was. You did do a lot for me, and I appreciate it, thank you. I just tried really hard to do everything I could. And I fell short and I guess it's my fault, I guess I was wrong to blame you for my own flaws. I apologize. It just sucks, I never wanted things to end this way.

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