

Ask @omgpoptarts

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haha i shall c; tomorrow? what's happening tomorrow? (today)

idk. that happened friday and the first time you see them is today. so. yeah.
Liked by: Amber

You have initiative; I'm literally spending my entire summer reading, eating,and sleeping, and attempting to keep in some form of shape so my coach doesn't boot me off the team, lol. Wow, violin! My friend said that's kind of hard. Is it?

what team are you on?
i just got back from volleyball conditioning and to put it simply, i'd rather have been jumped.
by monkeys
in the desert
with hard fur.
its not hard. at all. you only use 3 (sometimes 4 but the four isn't necessary) fingers to play it. and then a bow.

Aw, that sucks :/ I go to a private school, so everything's really fancy here...orchestra? What instrument do you play?

No it's literally any school. They all have great programs. Except for mine. -_-" imma sign up for an art class in the summer.
I play violin :)

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Tabitha I saw your drawing its so good. Can i have your drawing skills please asdfghjjl

I think you'd want Kate's more.

Oh my god that is sooo good, honestly...I found a sketch I did in art last year, and I'll find a way to post a pic and show you :) And I'm also a rising junior, haha. At my high school, we're like required to take 2 sem. of art. I've already done 1, and I'm planning on doing photography senior year.

no. its awkward and abstract lol
we have to either take two sem of art or we can skip all the requirements by doing 2 years of orch, band or chorus. but im already doing that so i dont need it B)
but my school stinks. honestly :(

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

I would probably just shop at a store but is donate a lot to charity.
Liked by: saph s

i love thalia so much. the storyline, characters and everything. so i hope you dont get me wrong, i was wondering, are you writing it in past or present tense?

No it's okay I know what you mean :)
It's in present tense but the first few chapters, it was my first time writing since third grade so I didn't know how to tell the difference.
So they'll eventually be fixed as I edit them :)

What are your super cheap great gift ideas?

Normally if I don't have money, I make something. Like ill paint the person or create a sculptural thingy. :)

that's cool, show me something you did :) if I come across a print-out of something I did when I'm cleaning my room I'll send you a pic. I took visual art last year, so we were required to use adobe illustrator, but I don't have it downloaded on my laptop 'cause it's almost as expensive as photoshop

But this is from seventh grade. I don't have pics of anything recent. :/ (I'm going to be a junior)
Why does every school actually do art and my high school doesn't? We haven't even painted in my art class -_-
Liked by: bai Elise

That's awesome that you can paint...the only thing remotely artsy that I can do is use Adobe Ilustrator, hahaha :)

What's that? I wanna see something you did lol.
And I can't really paint what I'm doing because ive only used watercolor once. So it's not all that great. I'm used to acrylic.

I haven't been doing too much, haha...just lounging around and pestering my mom...I'm hungry too, lol...gonna eat a sandwich. What are you painting?

Pestering your mom omg lolol
And I'm painting a butterfly on a flower in a field. Lol
Wow that sounds so sappy ^

YES it was real omg haha its okay and I shall read it okay. when i get time. if I had it on my computer it'd be easier blah.

You can read when you want :)
And omg are you excited for tomorrow then? Lol

he (my hater) came back and i'm so fucking pissed. i think i'm going to delete my ask.fm for awhile, i'm sorry.

Don't delete this ask Lindsey. He linked me to his Facebook and he's a freakin loser, dude.
His profile picture is some cartoon character and his unblocked photos are cartoons.
Don't let the freak get to you. He's freakin pathetic.

hahaha, yes it was...so, what're you up to?

Going home from church
I think I'm hungry so I'm gonna eat when I get home. Probably a hot dog lol
Then finish my painting.
You? ;)

nonono, real life! cool dream was your one, i meant your one. x) haha but yeah. and awwwww I wanna read itttt. it seems so cool. I'll edit it for you okay.

Wait that was real?!
Now I'm just jealous lolol ;P
You can read it at your own risk. It doesn't get any good until after chapter ten. And I edited ch 1 and some of ch 2 so those are readable I think lol

I don't think I've played volleyball 'properly' but i like basketball <3

Basketball is going to be the death of me.
I'd get smashed in the face so many times by wandering basketballs, I'd die.
Liked by: Kareema

ooh ooh you play volleyball. is it fun? :D

Well try outs aren't til July 15 so idk if I'm on the team or not.
I'm not sporty lol.
But yeah so far it's great! :D
Liked by: Kareema

We weren't like expecting to buy it or anything, so I guess it was random...we were just going to test drive, lol

The test drive was a trap lol. ;P
Liked by: edlene


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