

Ask @omgpoptarts

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try answering this;; pinnocchio says my nose will grow, and it does. is he lying or telling the truth?

xJustLindsey’s Profile Photolindsey
He's telling the truth.
I mean your nose grew not his ;)

My brain doesn't comprehend what /?!@$#*@/##@@/#(#*(@&(#@/#)(#)@(@mdnnshbnjks means but alrighty then. And what a find! I'm proud of you and your keen shopping skills tabsters.

Thanks :)
How're you?

OMG YOU'VE READ IN 27 DAYS?! Read the sequel!!!!!!!!!! Look at that exclamation. Now go do it it's so awesome and archer's pov and awesomeness and pregnancy and actual realism I just

I saw the sequel but most sequels let me down :( so I didn't wanna read it and like.. Yeah lol.
But is it really that good? THE BOOK WAS FREAKING AMAZING.

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omg your picture <33 gurrrl why you look so fine? (but seriously, I love your dress)

Awe thanks ! :)
I got it at jcpenney and it was on sale GURL.
I'm not THAT )/&2!/$/&/&!/!bb!:$/&/!nnshdjs nevermind. Lol

oooh haha cool! and oh okay, i gotcha. ofc you do tabitha, ofc. c; about 20/19, youu?

I have 6 days left ! :D and I'm volunteering for graduation and omg I'm excited lol

they make me want to piss myself, cuties aw. i feel to hurt feelings of people i hate <33333333 5ever

We all hate it. All of us. And if this was in person, if be getting charged right now.

Im juuuust talking to ny friends and busy being bored, youu?

I'm on my way to this dinner presentation thing
(don't wanna go to into it since I "brag" about my academics all the time, right??)
^sorry. That's not towards you lol. ^
But how many days of school are left for you?

person for your information omgpoptart is an amazing name. she doesnt go by answering the name of anon lovely, so idk fuck off??? mista Jaimaican is swag

im not even gonna bother with them though.
its rude to yell at children. i mean "you are..."
what the crap kind of a response is that?
if they have common sense theyll stop now because im naturally brown and i dont give a crap about if i hurt their feelings.

Wow this hater is *really* original. HEY HATER! YEAH, ASSHOLE, I'M TALKING TO YOU! COME AT ME, BRO!

dude theyre gonna try to take on three members of the (omg we need our nerdy gang name) ?
like, what logic have they lost?
Liked by: Sallie

Tree Trunk Shrinky Nutz my amazing gangsta name when i used a Chinese name. omggg

that generator must just hate me.
i got the lamest name of all
like, mista jamaican? ugh.

Her names cool haha I like it. Although idk any girls with that name. :/

oh darn :( lol she should be a senior or graduated by now. idk which one since the schooling is different there :)

hahahaha ooh cool! omfg, you do? which part? c:

oohh.....idk which part but ill inbox you her first name lol. dont answer it

Yo Mista Jamaican. Supa-Sprung Ho Slappa here. Over. - R.

Oh my gosh, Rachel. Why did you do this to yourself? Lol.

I def will. Now this princess needs her beauty rest ugh this is why I need sleep I start spouting nonsense like this.

Lol go to sleep.
And wake up ready to destroy ;D

Omy tabitha ue a vicious one indeed. But I'm totally fine with u unleashing ur anger on him lol. Thank u I'll send a pic soon. And of course tell u my oh-so fantastic day ugh

I am victorious.
Ill send you a Q so you can answer it tomorrow and let me know how it went.

Ok so tmrw I'm wearing a sweater top from forever 2w with like lace shit. Some leggingss. Probs flats. This flower necklace with matching earring and maybe a bracelet. Uh... Some make-up and I'll do some shit to my hair and send u a pic lol. Heyy ur throwing eggs at me too then lol. Though I'm fine

No egging you on means I support you. Egging someone or something means I hate them /that and I'm violently expressing my feelings through unhatched animals.
But awe sounds cute :D


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