

Ask @omgpoptarts

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I mean I think I'm average honestly. Nothing really appealing but thanks daphne! :)
You're pretty too haha

Oh that sounds hectic. Good luck girlfriend!

Tzeene’s Profile PhotoTzeene
Thanks! :)
I took the ACT but because it was a snow day the day of I think what I took was a make up test and the make up ACT is harder and they aren't lying when they say that

aw dont be lonely, here's an online hug do you feel it do you

No I feel the desperate need to go to college early. I need to

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i whale come on more often i really miss online lyfing lol

I read your message :')
But you should. You really should :) I'm lonely lol

Aw, don't over analyze Tabby :) Go with the flow while it lasts and enjoy. And tell me moooore when things happen. I'm gonna try really hard to stay online from now on omg

I mean stuff has happened I just don't get into it because I don't wanna start the crush back up. He won't like me and I'm leaving the state. It wouldnt last even if he did like me
Come on more often, Daphne! :)

Nice! I have a funfair tomorrow. And yesterday was my brother's birthday. I got him a wallet that has a mustache made over it and says, "flash the tash". Haha. And I woke up a few minutes ago and I have to get ready and take my mom to several places..

Tzeene’s Profile PhotoTzeene
Dude I take the ACT tomorrow and I don't want to. Like seriously I don't. I don't want to. Really.
And I just got home because I was at a pageant meeting thing.
And it's Saturday
And my orchestra concert is Wednesday
And dress rehearsal is Friday
And I have to go out ALL Thursday to get my necessities for it
And I also have church Wednesday and Sunday. Then school Monday so the cycle repeats :'(

crush stories! ugh why can't i constantly stay on this website and talk to you people anymore imy pooptart

But I don't really wanna call him my crush anymore. Just because I know how this cycle always goes and always ends. They never like me back. Ever. And even if they did, I leave for California for college next year in August. It'd be a waste, you know?
So yeah I'm forcing myself to give it a rest. I think I still like him but physically and emotionally I'm rejecting it on purpose. (But yeah we talked and hugged and stuff today)
Liked by: Princess Mar

I just woke up and I think I got my period gah. how's life?

Tzeene’s Profile PhotoTzeene
Oh well that's not great lol
It's fine! I had my fashion show today, got to go to church, hung out with my friends, talked to some special people
It's been a nice day :)
You? (Since this was two days ago)

make a video telling ask something you've wanted to tell somebody for a long time. (and please don't treat this like a joke because i'm anon.)

So I have never had time to create a video since a month ago when this was asked.
"Hey. Please stop it"
That's about it
Liked by: cora

aww... pageants are soo cool though!!

It's pretty fun haha
She uploaded a video of one of our routines and I did pretty horrible lol

What is your favorite type of weather?

Well me and winter were cool with each other until she decided to be here for 6 months and counting so
Summer weather.
Forget "sweater weather"
Liked by: sarah Farah cora

you're american right? do you find it offensive when i call the states, america?

Lol no. We don't care what order or nickname you give it honestly
It's like saying can I call you my best friend or my friend that's the best
There's no difference.
Btw hey again!
Liked by: Shannai ... Rose

What's the maximum number of classes you can take in school?

Well there are trimesters. So you have to have a class for one of them. And there're five periods.
Because I'm in AP and orchestra which are all all year classes I'm only in five for the whole year. But most people can change it


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