
Celine Vu

Ask @originalgangster

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Thoughts on me xoxo

Jole, you are the nigga. I really adore you. It's too bad that i didn't get to know you for a little while more. We could've have so many adventures together. When I come back for Robert's new year's party & for my disgusting hideous nerdy dorky boyfriend (jk youre beautiful, and amazing), we will party together! omg omg omg your brother is so nice. HE SHOULD LET ME PAY FOR OUR BILL WHEN I GET BACK. IDC IF HE LOOKS KOREAN AND MIGHT BOMB MY HOME. i will throw kimchi at him &&& Grace. You're so cute and you have a really nice rack. Even Matthew thinks so! I just wanna squeeze your boobs. The only thing cuter than you is your personality <3 I gotta sleep bb, it's late as fuck over here. Text me or someshit. Tinychat/Skype u tmr. bye, make sure my boyfriend has a great senior year for me!

I was just stalking you're questions and found out you're not going to Santiago next year? :(

heyitsjocey’s Profile PhotoJocelyne
no im not haha but at least i got to meet the most gorgeous girl at Santiago ;) ill miss you doll face <3 you're a really good person LOL
Liked by: Geneva Vu Jocelyne

Thoughts on

Elise, even though I don't know you well enough to do one. I'm going to do one so that I can report your crime. GUYS! ELISE LE IS A FIRST KISS STEALER. SHE STOLE MINE. OH THEHORRORRR. ): Haha jk it wasn't that bad. You're really down for stuff and you're willing to have a good time no matter how dull the people around you are. We'll def hang in the future since everyone loves you and since we hang out with the same people, haha. You're friendly and you seem like a really chill person, haha.
Liked by: Geneva Vu

thoughts on

Vikki Tran
"ICKY VIKI YOU'RE OH SO SICKEY JUST THE THOUGHT OF being around you makes me oh so sicky. a chick who's just plain mean. a sour sweet thirteen? SHE'S A FIRE BREATHIN DRAGON IN A PAIR OF BLACK JEANS." AHHAHA Oh god I love the fairly odd parents. Anyways, i h8 you. you're a good friend and you make me laugh so hard my ovaries might explode.You're in my top 5 fav people on earth, haha. out of 10, you are -10000. HAHAHAHA jk you're like a nine, if you were taller you'd be 10, perfect. Everyone always thinks you're really hot and tries to get at you, I've been told by many. I don't blame them, but you already have a bf so they can fuck off! I'm happy that you've found someone liek John. He's a really good guy. You're so considerate and even when I put on my fake smile you can still see how I really feel and like even though sometimes i act like a total ridiculous bitch, you still try to see it in my perspective. You're funny, easy to get along with, popular, pretty, and all around you are..... ICKY ,3 GO DIG A HOLEAND DIE. < 3 HAHAHAHA I miss you. I could say so much more but I'm afraid you might think.... that i actually care about you..... EW. HAHAHAHHA jk

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Liked by: Geneva Vu Vikki Tran

thoughts on

1rst of all, you are such a compassionate person. Like one thing i really dig about you is that we have a bro-friendship connection sort of thing. We both would like to fuck Blake Lively, am i right? I am right. We both love Kolinna and would love to trap her in a closet someitmes. HAHAHAHAH I love that I can tell you things and expect for you to keep itto yourself, that must mean that even though we haven't known eachother for long, I think of you as someone really important to me. Thank you so much for being in my life and making me feel good about my own existance. You irritate me with your Justin bieber mutha fucken shit hair flip. HAHAHAHAHHA jk i love it, cuz it's sooo funny XD You make my days sometimes because you're that great of a friend. Thanks for giving me advice on my boy problems. In the future if we drift or anything, please remember that you are capable of so much and that you are my top 10 favorite peoplein the world... :)

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Thoughts on ;) ;) ;)?

Julie I still h8 you. haha jk. Thoughts on you... well first of all thanks for listening to my problems and gaming with me on lateee nights. i hate sleep. and korean people. we are like alaska and arizona. although we're opposites, we get along so well. I've had the greatest memories with you. Like remember the Dale Winter Dance? Holy fucken shit that thing was fun assssss heeeeell. Like if I could go back in time, I would definitely have that day in my top 50 fav days. THanks for helping me create great memories. You make me feel special, which is really rare. You make me feel like I havee a value which is really amazing! Thank you for telling me that I'm pretty, calling me popular when I'm not, and giving me Justin Bieber Dedication videos! I love you. Really, I do.
Liked by: Geneva Vu

AHHHH ILYSM. I WILL N E V E R FORGET YOU. im gonna invite you to our wedding even if we get out of touch (WE BETTER NOT) & youlll be like...who r u. lool but im not instafsmous -.- & omg too manyy memories never to be forgotten <3 you are MY JEWEL <3 thats sounds weird but whateves. ily

Liked by: Geneva Vu


Trina Nguyen
First of all, you are an amazing person. Even when I get bored, I don't mind it because I just like being with you. You're a precious friend, and you're what I call a "treasure". i love that we photospam the shit out of each other on facebook! Haha I can't wait to come back. I bought cross rings, necklaces, and shirts! #JESUS IT UP. You make something like church fun. But sometimes i h8 u because u make me laugh too hard! :( Thanks for always having my back. You're so nice, funny, pretty, cute, and INSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FAMOUUUUUUUS <3. hehe Please don't forget me when I go to Loouisiana. Omfg. I won't forget you, like ever! We had sooo maaaany great memories together! Remember???Haha the halloween parties, christmas parties, watching Anastasia, phoning, gossipping, WEBCAMMMMING. Omg. And you accept me for who I am. I love you.

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