
paige fryer, wbu?

Ask @paigefryer

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I was really upset about her ending it for a few days. Didn't eat. Didn't sleep... Then I realised how horrible she was and that she was actually enjoying what she'd done to me. So ya know what... Screw her. And you did help! Hey, you did more than she did. You tried. Think maybe we can chat sometim

Aw that sounds terrible:( glad you're in a better state now! And aw thank-you, please do pop up sometime, do I actually know you or?x

You looked well hot yesterday xxxxxxxx <333

this question's from seventeen days ago and i don't remember where i was the day before that, what i looked like, what i was wearing etc etc so i dont know if thats genuine or sarcastic... :L

She ended it a few weeks ago. She's off her head :/ ! Never mind :P ! Thank you for your help xx

What?! I am so so sorry! And oh don't say thank-you, I was completely useless ad no help at all-.- I hope you're not too upset?xx

I'm the guy who asked you for relationship advice - It doesn't even matter anymore. She ended it :/ x

Ah shit! I am so sorry! It's just, I never really go on ask.fm anymore, when did she end it?x

what are all those answers about you being a lesbo?

ahhh, about that.
that would be because some faggot
(who will remain un-named)
called paul was on my ask.fm
and thought it would be amusing to convince everyone that i am a lesbian
idk why
he's a weirdo
ask him
Liked by: andrei

are your expectations high or low

well i don't really know
i am one hundred percent percent sure that i am ugly, however, despite this, i still expect to be in a relationship with somebody attractive, ha.


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