

Ask @paigenewton

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What cannot be forgiven?

unless I know who you are I'm not gonna say, it's too personal and I don't want everybody to know, only close friends and family that I can trust will know all about it
Liked by: Jamie Mitchell

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

either walked the streets of Crawley all night and something I don't want everybody to know

If you could go on a roadtrip with any person, who would you choose and where would you go?

Lady Gaga and all around the U.S :)

What annoys you about girls?

When their hair extensions are a different colour to their hair
When they complain that all guys are the same when they're really not!
too much makeup
Act all needy
Lairy/over confident
dress like they are sluts
this is not directed at the entire gender, just a few people I have in mind


Language: English