

Ask @panghuiping

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How long have you ever gone without showering?

one and a half day from hospitalisation HAHAHAH Damn gross i hated the feeling of not getting the chance to even wash up???

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Future job?

I wanna be a video editor HAHA like putting the appropriate sound effects and stuff tgth. But idk whether it's still possible for me now tho. :(

Ideal type of guys

sporty smart and level of stupidness is similar as me too?? HAHAH jk aiya just got the feel then got feel lor

Because you have already used to answering my question at night haha

r u the same person who saw me on the bussss

How's life?

answered this a few days ago and i think nothing much have changed ever since?? other than the fact that I can't rlly sleep at night lately :(((

Uni got what kind of presentations

For my mods, there is presentations for assignments (hmk), and for proposals etc lor. Some will b graded!

How are you HP? How's uni

im surviving but not so recently i guess. I was having wayy to much fun floorballing all day err day till i reached my body limit and got injured. lolol Apart from that, lessons are super chill and workload is ok for now!!

Are you curious who am I?

curious is curious but I'm not gonna unprivate it cos internet is a scary place. :')

Cannot later you know who am I hahaha. Please! Don't private haha:)

hahaha aiya know then know lor!! i also won't angry or anything HAHA

Yes. Because you were too cute and I'm shy to say Hi hahahahah

whaat LOL don't anyhow pls hahaha when did u see me sia how come i never notice

if im getting straight Es for my prelims in yj, do you think i have any chance at all to do well for a levels?

tbh i think straight E is q decent? I know alot of my friends in yj now are getting at least 2 Us . Push yourself more and don't let these results and mini test affect u! My friends from VJ RV, had very bad grades for prelims last year (like 20-30rp) but they ended up getting straight As for As. So yes, it is possible to get good results!! I'm sure prelims will make u feel demoralised and shit but its your mentality that u set yourself from now till the end that will give u your desired results. Don't give up!! :)


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