

who would you say has a better body, Sehun or Luhan? (in dmaf)

In my opinion, Sehun, because he's super tall and tall boys are asjbfkjsada. But, I mean, let's be honest, Luhan is unbelievably hot too

Latest answers from Christine

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Recently learned that not everyone is going to like you, and that's okay!

Have you ever bought something on the internet?

Yes! I think most of the stuff I own is from the internet

What do you do when you're bored? 😐

Hmmm normally just pop some melatonin and sleep. Or paint my nails while watching TV

If you had to act in a movie, what character would you choose to be?

I'd want to be a love interest haha, it would just be so fun to live out a romantic fantasy!

Have you ever felt ashamed from your past??

Yes all the time! I've done some things I'm not proud of, but luckily I have grown as a person

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