

Ask @patdezzy

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why does it matter if i have feelings for that boy or not? he just wants to spend time with me and i'm offering time for him, shouldnt he feel privileged already? how is that playing him?

You're offering to spent time with him because he buys you nice things and says sweet things to you - you're simply using him
Hey, just a heads up, guys have fucking feelings too. If you don't want to hang out with him or aren't serious about him then just tell him before he finds out what you're REALLY feeling. Stop using him for your benefit and I'm sorry to break it to you but yes, yes you are using him and fucking leading him on and it's the worst thing you could do

i dont see how im leading him on. i said it was comforting to have him around so obviously i feel something for him? i just dont know what to do.

You said so yourself that you felt nothing for him whatsoever. Feeling comfortable around him simply because you don't like being alone isn't fair for him. He wants to be with you because he likes you, you want to be with him because you don't want to be lonely.

so theres a guy that really likes me and he buys me nice things and says sweet things to me but i feel nothing whatsoever for him but i like having him around.. its comforting. what should i do? i dont like him at all.

Do what a decent human being should and end whatever it is between you two unless you intend to take him or the relationship seriously
Leading someone on is the shittiest thing you can ever possibly do

I know u said nomore questions about diego but I just think the reason why your receiving so much questions in the first place is because u and diego were the perfect couple. Everyone loved u two together and its still upsetting that u two are just gone like that. Sorry but its true :/

We were not a perfect couple
Sure we would have fun together but we fought just like other couples. As flattering as it is that people thought we were a good match or whatever, they idealised the relationship too much imo
I'm sorry but neither of us are perfect. The break up ended badly, we argued so much towards the end, and although we cared for each other it just didn't work out and won't ever work out

you act like such a nice person but deep down you arent even close to one. you used diego and hurt him so much and told everyone that it was his fault. on ask.fm, he never said anything about you and took the high-road. why dont you learn from him?

Ok I'm sorry but why are you even bringing up something that happened ages ago up again? What's the purpose?
And I find it hilarious how you're calling me out when you don't jack shit? This is ask.fm, has it ever crossed your mind that MAYBE people lie? Idgaf if you think he's the greatest person alive but leave me alone. I didn't say anything that was less than true on here and if you want to believe otherwise, then just do as you please but just fuck off


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