
Peniel Tadesse

Ask @penielxtadesse

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What's one of the most childish things that has happened to you lately?

This fake account tried using my name to get nudes 🙄

Wdym a push in the right direction

That means come up to him and start a convo, or anything else to break the ice

#advicewpeniel I like this guy, he's really nice to me the few times we do talk, his best friends have told me that he likes me too but all that's happening is us making eye contact😉 Usually the guy makes the first move but do I take the initiative? Is he just shy or what🙄

Usually the guy is probably too shy, just give him a push in the right direction and if he's smart he'll take it from there

I'm just sad because I got a new gf today but my friends don't like her. they that she's flat and ugly and I don't know what to do because I like her but friends also count you know.Some people even go up to her and tell her that I just want to get in her pants and leaver her.What should I do

If they're not content with a person you're interested based off appearance than they're not real friends to begin with, and if she's really down for you then fuck what everybody else says✌️

your girl's mom in the kitchen naked drinking a table the police pulled over the cops for being a police your girl 21 about to turn 16 five days ago WYD?

This shit is stupid
Liked by: Maria Castillo


Language: English