

Ask @PepperDraws

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So with that being said, what do you want to become after you graduate? What are your plans? & how can MKT help you to achieve those plans? So basically, you pick the course that interests you, am I right? :) You're welcome! Well we all have that one person we always consult/trust & for me it's you!

I have an idea what I want to do but I don't have a clear job/position set in mind. If anything, I want it related to food, art or writing. Having the skill and talent isn't enough, it's knowing how to make it into a business and to market yourself so that you can make money from it. :)

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What's your opinion on dark chocolates? Do they really make you obese or unhealthy? Do you consume these dark ones? Did they make you fat?

Dark chocolate is delicious. It is healthier than milk or white chocolate, so no. There are health benefits btu all in moderation. I do consume the dark ones HAHA and no, they did not make me fat because I didn't eat a lot of it.

So is AB-PSY related to what you want to pursue after you graduate? Cause it was just your backup right? If that was the course you passed, then would it change your initial plans when you graduate? Or would you make it "fit" to what you really want.

I think AB-PSY isn't what I wanted completely and it wouldn't cater to what I want/wanted to do. I really wanted something integrated with business

are you planning to sell your iphone 4 cases? I'd like to buy :)

yup i have an album on fb with all the prices haha

So what made you decide to put AB-PSY & AB-CA as part of your three course choices? Your 1st choice was MKT, so why not put another COB course? Why pick those two? I already did research on these but I just really want to know YOUR opinion cause as I've said I highly value your opinion :)

The only COB course i liked was MKT mainly because it kinda had a little bit of everything in it. From what i researched, AB-CA sounded nice to me too and thought it kind of resembled marketing. Honestly, AB-PSY was just my back up course but I did find the topic of psychology interesting too. What's cool though is that in MKT, we have a subject called INTSOCI (or introduction to sociology) which is kind of psych-ish but on a larger scale haha. Thanks though, I'm glad my opinion matters haha. Choose what you love and I hope I've helped make your choice clearer! :D

Should all girls wear pliners pls answer ate

Only if you have to I guess. However, they sa it's better to wear since it's more hygienic. I'd research online but I don't think it's absolutely necessary to wear em all the time

Also, can you explain the greatness/advantage of taking up AB-PSY or AB-CA? Cause I like those 2 courses but I'm being questioned as to how I am gonna apply that when I graduate or when I go abroad. Can you please share some insights, recommendation or opinions on these?

I wish I could tell you in detail what I know about these courses, but I don't because they are CLA courses omg haha. I'm pretty sure you can look online for job opportunities these courses give you. Do some research, like, Psych: learning about people, human behavior, etc. You can consider being a psychiatrist (then BS-PSY), guidance councellor, or further your studies ie. pre-law, etc. Comm arts seems like something you could also aplply in business or mgt. Research helps a lot! :) It's what helped me pick what course I really wanted to take

Hey! I just wanted to say that you are gorgeous! Also, I hope you have a great day! I wish I was with you so I can show you how a queen is supposed to be treated. You deserve all the happiness in the world! I hope one day you'll find that guy who can make you smile every second of every day

Jonathan Samuel Hill
lol ty

Caan you please tell me the difference (from what you know) among BSENT, BSMGT & BSMKT? Like which of the three is best or which one is the hardest one to take up! I highly value your opinion:)

I'm not sure but you can read the course descriptions on the school's website. I'm not sure about ENT & MGT, but from what I know about MKT, it's kind of like all the business stuff in one course + adv. Also, it's one of the courses with the most math units. I don't think there's one harder than the other. It's about how you choose to apply yourself that matters. If you work and study hard, it will make life much easier haha. Don't go with what's easier. Choose what will make you happy and the course that you really want :) Good luck!!

See! You're so kind!! "See ya at dlsu" that is like the most motivational line ever!! Thank you Miss Pepper! Can I call you that? :))

Sans the "Miss" HAHA okay

You are one amazing lady! I mean, I really super appreciate the fact that you answered my question in full detail!! You really helped me to make an easier decision:) What year are you in anyway and can you give me a glimpse of the DLSU/ Marketing student life? You are soo kind hope we meet someday:)

No problemo jalapeño! Information is meant to be shared in order to help others! :) I'm only in 1st year so not much has happened yet haha will update you though! Say hi if ya see me! See ya at dlsu hehe ;)

Are you gonna try out for LS? Itd be nice to see you play.

Nah. I really do miss playing volleyball though

How do u became fwends with nicole? Shes from csa?

I became friends with her because we were childhood friends/village-mates (lol) but how to become friends with her? Idk, say hi I guess lol. She graduated from CSA yup yup

dude i was looking for a skateboard, well, a penny in particular that i could use all the time and it'll be ok to get ruined and i found your site weird haha i subscribed to your channel tho you seem pretty cool kinda like me ha hahaha

Haha thanks!


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