

Ask @PepperDraws

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Make a video with a friend after exams! Heehee Or with someone you just met or something! Ideas, ideas !

I have too many ideas and too little time :(

How would you feel if danisnotonfire started talking to you? well, that's how I feel right now, because you're actually talking to me!! :O sorry for the flood I just can't agh :((

Pearl Guevarra
I think I would cry haha! But please don't cry ,___, I am not Dan. No need to apologize; I feel ya, sistah.

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who is your favorite freshman? :)

I don't have a favorite freshie :/ It's like asking me to choose what my favorite book is or something idk :( I love them equally haha!

do you consider yourself skinny or curvy??

i'd like to believe i'm curvy haha, but probably on the more "athletic build" side ^^;

OMG you talked to me thank you so much :')) I srsly want to get to know you GAH sorry I'm just a fan girl. you know how I feel, riiight? :D

Pearl Guevarra
I feel ya, gurl. Sometimes, the feels are just too intense like omg i can't even like why is life like this and how world please halp god unstaBLE. #y

I idolize you so much for your confidence gah :((

Thank you haha! Actually, I used to be (and still a little bit) super shy!! I'm still working on it, but let's try to be confident together haha :)

Do you wear makeup?

Not on a daily basis. I wear only it when I go out to formal events (or if i have a huge zit and it's just not pleasant to look at HAHA)

wht are you planning to do for your next video? :))

I have some ideas, it's just that I need time for filming and editing :)

Hi! I kinda idolize you and your kapatiran partner . You are really pretty and I love your videos . I'll be waiting for your next video . I hope i can see you around school too ! :) btw. I'm in grade 6 !

Aww, thank you! :) I really do hope to make videos soon. I've just been so busy :( Say hi if ya see me! :)
Liked by: Natalia Araneta

You're really pretty and down to earth! Despite being talented and all you don't act like you're all that unlike some people. Hihi love ya!!

Thank you so much, that really means a lot to me :) Haha ily2, dftba & stay fab yay!

I saw you near the SAC in school and I almost died. I didn't know it was you cause of your hair but I saw your name tag! It was the first time I was like super near you. Omgggggg.....I ran to my friend who also loves your videos and we both were so like...OMG OMG OMG

Please don't die haha!
Liked by: Natalia Araneta

Don't you have plans of changing your twitcon?

Should I change it haha? I don't know, I don't plan on changing it any time soon

what is it like to have a mom who works with celebrities?

I guess it's pretty normal to me since I have grown up in this kind of an environment, but it's really cool actually haha!


Language: English