

Ask @pepseeh

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What's the best concert you've ever been to?

Great timing, because off the top of my head last night's Macklemore concert was really, really great, despite a few flaws.
Otherwise, I prefer concerts I (used to) play in than concerts in which I am part of the audience.

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Would you kill a loved one to save a million lives? also Would you kill a million people to save a loved one?

Trev's right, this is a very depressing question.

Do you think you write well?

I don't tell myself that because I have to tear down and rebuild my writing all the time. I'm never 100% satisfied when I click post, submit, or publish; there's always something wrong with it in my eyes.
So I let other people say I write well.

Bro I'm a boy. my ex-girlfriend left me for some family problems. We really love each other her family try to get her married with someone whom she didn't like. basically it had been some months past. I tried to move on but still, I'm in love each and every second with her, I really miss her in ever

(cont'd) I really miss her in each and every second, idk what to do! How can we both be together? Help me
Hey, man. First of all, I'm real sorry to hear that.
What is the situation like now? Has your family forbidden you to talk to her, or vice versa? While I don't know the exact circumstances, there are things that you just have to take into your hands if you want it enough. How much are you willing to do for you and her?

Why are you so addicted to Ask.fm?

Way to assume we're addicted to it, Ask.fm.
I treat this as writing, though. I get to write short things without the stress of thinking about a topic.

But that's still a pseudo celebrity (well because he is known on fb!) i meant an actual person in ur life or like some acquaintance or anyone who has somewhat affected your life that you don't like. you don't have to know him well or personally

Hmm. I usually reserve vitriol for stupidity I encounter on the Internet, so I'll have to dig.
...okay, here we go. This guy I've known since grade school. (No name-dropping because that's needless drama on my end.) He's short; the kind where he might barely be over five feet tall, and you know how kids are when they're kids, they can be the most cruel things in the world. Funny thing is that I don't even remember people giving him shit for being short, but the Napoleon complex is real, and by high school he ended up being one of the snarkiest, most judgmental and unpleasant people I knew.
Catch is I haven't spoken to him in forever, so I don't know if that's still the way he is. Hopefully not, and I hope that's good enough for your unusual question.

Name (or describe?) one guy you don't like. Non-celebrity. and why

There's this guy who made himself a meme on Facebook by dressing up and making faces and putting "witty," self-deprecating captions on them. I forget his name at the moment (but it's not @trevorisgood, I promise), but he has one of those faces that are just so punchable.

Have you ever thrown up after eating?

I was so excited at all the food laid out on the Vikings buffet my first time that I ended up trying to eat everything, including having shots of sake after scoops of ice cream, which booked me a quick, unwanted trip to the toilet. Would've been better if it were for a dump, but no.
Liked by: Nina Constantino


Language: English