

Ask @pepseeh

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Do you believe the devil exists?

No, I don't believe the devil - as one tyrannical Lord of Hell figure - exists. I believe in demons, I believe in spirits, I believe in malicious entities, but maybe not a singular Satan.
Most of all, though, I believe evil exists, and it's worse in mortals than it is in any supernatural being.

What's one thing everyone should do in their lifetime?

Get ridiculously piss-drunk; the kind of drunk that makes you make bad decisions and have a throbbing head in the morning.
Just so you know what not to do the next time you go drinking.

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What's your ideal breakfast?

Bacon, fried rice, tocino, a couple of fried eggs, and some orange juice.
Also, you're my 1000th question! I am happy to have notched my 1000th answer on a question about breakfast food. You're awesome.

What does your last text message say?

"Peps, there is tocino on the table and rice in the ref. Bahala ka na."
You don't know how happy this makes me

Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

With zoos the way they are everywhere... I think we should just keep them in safaris.
You ever been to an aquarium? The animals fascinate me but my slight claustrophobia and my fear of lonely, vast expanses of water make me feel bad for them. If I were a beluga I'd probably go crazy swimming around in a large tank full of water and nothing.

How mayabang are you?

I used to be a really, really arrogant prick as a teenager. I grew up from that somewhere down the line and I'm not as mayabang nowadays.

How strong are you?

Okay, I'm gonna assume you're just asking about physical strength. (If not just follow up and let me know.) Apparently I have this unassuming look that makes people think that I can't lift them, but I almost always totally can.
Plus I can now carry my own body weight on my shoulders

Which fast food joint is your favorite?

McDo for the common favorite but if Burger King is available as an option, it's usually that

Where were you 3 hours ago?

I was here. Having just woken up and checking my fantasy football teams and at the risk of jinxing it I am going to win this week

what if the girl you love is already in love with someone else

Okay. Purposely held off answering this one because this was the first question I saw in the morning, and... I didn't want to mess with what turned out to be a good day.
This is an answer you're probably not cool with hearing - maybe because you've already heard it, maybe because you've tried it and it doesn't work, and/or maybe you're already doing this.
If there's nothing you can do about her feelings (and sometimes, maybe more often than not... there won't be), deal with it on your own. Put on that brave face, preferably with a smile, and step up and bear the painful brunt of it, hoping to God you'll make it out with only a few scars and the ability to keep hoping intact. It's no use trying to run away, because it will find you wherever you try to go until it finally leaves you alone - whenever that might be.
But if you've got a better solution... hey, let a brother know.

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Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

Hah, I don't know. But I have to agree, word spreads fucking fast around Malcolm.

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

19 or 20. I believe that might have been my prime, and I would've just built on it from there

I'm doing this tonight. you're probably gonna start a fight. I know this can't be right, hey baby come oooon

Nina Constantino
I loved you endlessly, but / you weren't there for me, so / now it's time to leave and make it alone
(Thank you Nina, now I've got a new LSS.)
Liked by: Nina Constantino


Language: English