

Ask @pepseeh

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I'm in love with a Filipina girl, but her mother won't let us date because I'm white. Is this normal and what can I do about it?

What's normal is that I see a lot of white guys with Filipina girls around here, and normally Filipino parents are racist towards the brothas (I swear I am not kidding; and with all the Nancy Binay memes going around, are you actually surprised?). Filipinos, as a people who have long been seeking upward mobility, and their parents would love to have you as a future husband because that means money, that means nice things, that means trips abroad, and that means potential migration to the U.S. or the U.K. or wherever you came from. So no, man, that's not really normal, to the best of my knowledge.
(Also, there's nothing wrong with some interracial lovin' and I can personally vouch that our ladies are some of the most beautiful women in the world, but can I just say that God damn, you white people need to do better with your decision-making. I see some white-Filipina couples and I think, "Sir, was exoticness your only consideration in the selection process of your beloved?")
But here's the thing: foreigners, by experience, can be a nasty bunch. We are also a people who have been enslaved and/or taken over by white guys for around 330 years. Foreigners nowadays can be predators, liars, pedophiles, human traffickers, shit like that. I've read cases in law school of white guys who promised our women the world but failed to deliver. (If it's any consolation, it also goes the other way around - some of our women may and can abuse you.) So maybe that's where the distrust really comes from.
So if you're actually not pulling my leg here and are very serious about this, show your girl's momma that you are a nice white guy. There is nothing that can't possibly be won by trying and fighting for whatever it is you want and believe in. Keep your chin up, my friend, and get that.
Best of luck to you.

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what do you think of the middle class? what do you think of girls who marry rich men?

I think middle class is a fine thing to be. I'm not going to get into the politics of it all, and quite frankly I am not interested, but being middle class has allowed me to not be as depraved (and, well, out-of-touch) as the elite is.
As for the latter, if they marry a rich guy because they actually love that guy, then I see no problem with that. But on the other hand...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vwNcNOTVzYpepseeh’s Video 40763913178 6vwNcNOTVzYpepseeh’s Video 40763913178 6vwNcNOTVzY

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What did Sam do? Why is she your hero? haha

We talked about QPI for like an hour hahahahahahahaha

which one of the senatoriables are you most like?

I don't know? I don't know them personally, so I can't tell you.
I *would* like to throw in a Dick joke here but I don't want people to think I'm too nasty and stuff

what is your biggest strength?

Given enough time, attention, and raw desire, I can learn anything I want or need to learn.
Will Smith once said this: "I know how to learn anything I want to learn. I absolutely know that I could learn how to fly the space shuttle because someone else knows how to fly it, and they put it in a book. Give me the book, and I do not need somebody to stand up in front of the class." I took from that. Anyone can learn what they want to learn, some just don't care about it.
That and I like to think that I'm a little bit resourceful.

what do you think of pokemon?

I love Pokemon - the video game. If I just had a DS or 3DS I'd have finished all the games that are out by now. As it stands the last handheld I've bought was a GBA SP, and the last new game I've finished was Platinum.
I get so frustrated with the anime because of how stupid it is and how much it shits on the (very sound) structure and logic of the games, but if there's anything I like about it, it's how they depict battles. I'm pretty sure Pokemon don't actually sit there taking turns, waiting for their trainer to tell them what to do in the heat of battle.

what did you think of the himym season finale?

I felt it delivered, at the very least. Yes, I think that's the word I'll run with.
It did suffer from problems - there was too much going on for only a half-hour episode that it totally threw the pacing off. The episode's ambitions were so big that it deserved a full hour, but the full hour play was already stolen by The Final Page and Hurricane Sandy. (If anything, it should set a precedent that next season's finale - whether it's the series finale or not - should be an hour long.) So many things were said that couldn't be left to breathe for a while. One would think that they could've spent the filler episodes leading up to this one throwing out big reveals one by one, but what Marshall said kind of applies here - it's face-to-face news.
But the last scene was worth the mess that were the first 20 minutes. It was the show finally delivering on a promise they've made so long ago - one you can say was eight years in the making - and that's a huge deal for a program that traditionally banked on surprise twists and unexpected turns. And I like the fact that they've shown enough to satisfy everyone's curiosity but also held back enough to make us (well, those of you still on the ship) want more of her.
But on the non-Mother side of things, I like that we got hooks - things I want to see unfold - that make some sense. Ted's whole moving to Chicago angle, while a little rash and unexpected (like most things on this show, as mentioned), plays well into how meeting Mami (since we don't know her name yet) affects him and ultimately gets him to stick around. Marshall's sudden appointment to the judiciary thankfully negates the whole far-fetched going to Italy thing, and I wanna see that conflict between him and Lily play out. And of course, the greater of evils still remain - the controversy that is the Swarkles wedding that they've been building up for, oh, I don't know, only three years and counting now, but it should be a damn certainty that that's finally happening next season. That's where all roads - on land and on air - are heading.
Anyway, my bad for running all the way to the other stadium with the ball. You asked me what I think... I don't think lightly, man.

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What's a phrase you use often?

- "Fuck that/this shit"
- "[Hey,] You know what . . ."
- "I mean . . ."

Between you and your girlfriend, one has to have a belly and one has to have fine ripped abs. You get to choose who has what. How does it go?

Easy. In all my experiences, girls are always conscious about that stomach region, so she can have the abs and I'll deal with the belly.
Besides, I'm savvy enough to know how to make up for it physically and... in other ways. =))

What’s your favorite breakfast food?

Tocino, without fail. Nobody even has to ask me what I'm ordering at Chic-Boy.

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

Really? It's Mother's Day, and you couldn't ask us something about our moms?

got yourself a bucket list you'd like to accomplish in life?

Yeah, but I don't have a physical list. (Think I should keep one.) I read or see a lot of things being done and I just go, "hey, I wanna do that one day."

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

I dunno. I don't usually think like this, and even if I do, I don't take it seriously. Usually, no matter how shitty things get, I still always consider my own life to be mine, that I would not trade for anything else. I got here - good or bad as it is - on my own volition, and I'm proud of what I've built up and how far I've gotten.
Once upon a time, when I was young and stupid (I still am stupid, but not as much now) I once told @leiron that I would not want to live his life, with the implication there that my life was better than his. He replied, "I could say the same for you." I was baffled by that then because I arrogantly thought that I had it better than him. In time, though, I finally understood and agreed that as much as I didn't want to live the life of anyone else who had it worse than I did, there are things about my life that sucks too that only I really know how to deal with, and I wouldn't really want anyone else to have it the way I did.
Yeah, I wish things could be better, but I don't wish to live someone else's life. I just wish that stuff happened to me instead.

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What's your stand on getting back together with an ex?

Wow, that's a pretty appropriate "wee small hours of the morning" question.
Personally, I'd do it if the feelings are there, if there is potential left untapped, if it doesn't hurt anyone, and most importantly, if it's not a stupid move. What I mean by that last part is that some exes, once broken up, should stay that way for a party's own good and development. I think the whole getting back together part hinges on that, because there will be make-ups that are just gonna be plain dumb, and the only people who won't know it are the lovers involved.
There are couples who break up through no fault of either party, or with no animosity. Those are generally safe.
But... you know what? I've been there. I've been stupid. And because of that, I think everyone's entitled to the right to try it once, no matter how ill-advised and just plain dumb it might be. Because maybe it might work this time. Or maybe it might not, and you'll finally know. Maybe you might squeeze some more mileage out of the relationship and, more importantly, learn some things you need to learn that you can only learn by going back around.
And only you will know, I guess, when the right time is to finally stop. That's part of the learning. So I guess that's my answer. I can't really pretend to be for one particular side of the coin - I both hate and like the idea.

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Out of our common friends, who would have the most embarrassing stories about you? Don't worry. I won't ask. :P Hahaha!

Out of our common friends? Probably Stan or Erika. :)) I'm not sure if they have any dirt on me, though. :))

Wait.. baka hindi mo kayanin hahaha. 'Wag mo i-publish ah. :)) although, pano 'to.. e I'd like to read your reaction din haha

Geli Blanco
Please. The only time I'm squeamish about sex is when the psychological is involved.
So go. =))

Nah I don't think ganun yung pelikula. If I'm not mistaken French na art-art yun eh. Hindi nahuli while in the act, 'yung post-coital lambingan na ang nahuli ni Ate. At nagbibihis na sila. At may naiwan silang evidence sa pagmamadali!!

Geli Blanco
HAHAHAHA at least.


Language: English