
Randi Quick

Latest answers from Randi Quick

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

It's gonna be pink Floyd and led Zeppelin. I know. I'm cool??

what happened to u n kori

Idk drifted apart, she had other people's? I really don't know honestly.

Is love complicated? Why?

Love isn't even real. You never truly love love you never truly know what real love feels like. Love is simply an emotion of imagination. Sometimes it pretends it's true love or sometimes it is but you never know because it simply does not exist in our world anymore. People just throw I love you around like they do but instead of saying love, say lust because that's probably all you are.?

who do u miss most

bill. buuttt. oh weelll. not like he's gonna care when he sees it. but I miss bill. alot. so merry Christmas happy new years and leave me be with my Netflix and ice cream.

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