
princess l i e n;

Ask @pointzerofive

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you had this combat boots and a large brown shirt. i don't think you saw me.

oh yeah. that time.
WHAT DID YOU LOOK LIKE ARE YOU CUTE cause if you were i would have remembered you.

i cnt! you looked unapproachable and rich.

oh my
(i get this a lot idk why so dont worry im not hurt)
i think i act fierce and walk in an uptight way in public because i dont want people to bother me, but if you say hi or something politely, i WOULD ENTERTAIN YOU. when did you see me?

i love snpai noticed me where did youget the idea for that

ii day dream. A LOT. so like, most of my crack fic originates from my mind in which i conjure scenarios that would make me "kilig" or go "doki doki desu" and i just.. yeah.
i guess i was muling about myself too. my life in general, is kyungsoo's life so it wasn't hard to write :)

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i saw you at robinsons the other day ur short nd cute

awww thank you (?)
you should have said hi!
i was just there to buy a couple of books.
we could have had coffee or something~

wow, so you don't really eat in the evening?

i'll let you in a little secret ;;
i poop easily.
NO REALLY say, i ate something. i usually wait for an hour or so before going to the toilet and it's all cleared. BUT my stomach doesn't work that way at night. i'm having trouble digesting food during the evening. so i usually eat a banana or some crackers along with coffee at 4 p.m. and brush my teeth at once :)
Liked by: elle

what did you eat yesterday? :}

i am guilty of writing down whatever i eat & when i eat it. the one on top was what i had two days ago, the one in the middle was what i took YESTERDAY and the one below is for today :)
Liked by: elle

"get killed in a car crash" WHY ARE YOU SUCH A SADIST

nico oppa
i JUST AM ITS TRUE PEOPLE GET KILLED BY CARS sadly, none of those cars are driven by me

Who do you trust more, your friends or your parents?

my parents????!!!
i mean, i've known them for 16 years and so far they haven't tried to kill me yet. that's trust.
Liked by: elle

so my ultimate weakness is really the tendency to want to please people and in the end everyone is happy except for me bc idk how to say no :( [sorry i just wanted to let this out i'm so useless creys can't even stand up for myself]

nico oppa
/cyber hugs/
while i think that's really sweet of you... YOU FUCKING NEED to grow A PAIR OF BALLS BECAUSE I'M NOT AROUND TO YELL NO AT EVERYONE FOR YOU. i love you & you know i'd stick up for you in rl. it's just that i don't want people to push you over and over.
idk if it'll work for you but it helps when you think less of others, more about yourself. in the long run, they'll leave anyway. go to places, love someone else, get killed in a car crash etc. so why invest so much in people you know are going to abandon you anyway.
p.s. it might get worst you can get peer pressured into drugs and other bad things~
Liked by: nico oppa

-"why do you even need to transfer money" and i basically OTLed bc um private matters (jk buying photobook biatches) AND I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO SAY NO so i went. my other friend smsed me and said "your tendency to get guilt-tripped is really worrying" and i know but! how to say no, i can't say no.

nico oppa
awww. can i just hug you ;;
i was a bit like that, before circumstances forced me to toughen up and it's come to the point where if i don't want something, then i'll ignore it or even with people. so idk which is worst. trying to please them or being completely apathetic.
i sincerely hope you'll try saying no, though. just practice it in the mirror. just SAY NO. you don't have to be mean about it. you can refuse people the nicest way possible. try going all cutesy or soft spoken and "oh, i'm really sorry. i can't come to your house no matter how much i want to. i have a lot of things i need to do today." or "awww that's so sweet of you, but i don't think i'm in the mood to come over. trust me, i'd probably spoil your time."
and my favorite:
"oh, sorry. i can't go out with you on tuesday. i'm going to be sick that day."

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Liked by: nico oppa

ANYWAY. today i went to my friend's house instead of ordering the pb bc i got guilt-tripped into going. my friend kept asking me "why don't you want to go to my house" and in my head i'm screaming "BC I DONT WANT TO GO WHY CAN'T I" and i told her i needed to transfer money to my atm and she said-

nico oppa

then again i also dislike social interactions in general BUT if i talk to you and i like it i will talk with you to the ends of the world, no biggie

nico oppa
-cont- i'd practically develop a soft spot for you so it doesn't matter now what you're like in rl. what matters is that you like me enough to stay with me for more than a year.
Liked by: nico oppa

honestly i feel like if you actually knew me in person you would hate me lmao i like affirming (close) friendships and stuff and would bug you to a certain extent? like idk. you seem like you hate people people and i'm a little like that aha

nico oppa
rissa you DO know that if someone TOLERATES me for long enough then i woul
Liked by: nico oppa

What's the best way to spend $1,000,000?

40% for my family 30% for my savings 10% for charity and the remaining 20% would go for my immediate needs aka for shopping and boy hunting
i think i have my priorities straight
Liked by: { e l i a h }

what dont you like about. a person?

uh, i'm going to be specifying things about qualities i find distasteful in other people in rl ok.
when someone makes fun of other people for not knowing something. i mean, i get that some of us aren't that smart but that does not give ANYONE the license to mock or laugh at people's faces. you can correct them gently. you can do a billion things that aren't condescending. if you're with me, please don't do that to someone (sneer, laugh). if you do, i will publicly humiliate you. loudly. i'm not terrified to english that crap out of you.
what else...
for me, i like keeping myself to myself and if you're too nosy, i will automatically dislike you. i hate people a lot.
also, i do not appreciate surprises that much.
if we're not too close or even if we are, i would consider it rude if you turn up at my house unannounced. my house, for me, is my sanctuary. i don't appreciate anyone coming in and out as they please. what the fuck is wrong with telling me beforehand.
oh and those who look at me as if my approval matters. like what my reaction is, what my opinion is. i see that as a weakness in a person. if you're too caught up in others' opinion, dude, get your priorities settled.
and and and i really really really dislike people who AGREE with me all the time. like they just go for what i say. MAN IM IRRESPONSIBLE. i make decisions and i wait for someone to correct me and if they just agree then, it's hell. it's boring. i get people in trouble.
finally, those who tend to be "copycats". like slowly, i'll see my phrases on their lips, my gestures on their fingers and it's not flattering. i would and i do hate some people that are like that. where is the individuality. where is the love.

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Liked by: elle { e l i a h }

aww lien those kitties <3

awww yes.
tbh, animated / kitties online are the only kitties i can stand. THOSE CREATURES ARE FUCKING TERRIFYING IN RL. they are evil.

What are your plans for tomorrow?

early morning jog, finish the book i'm reading, finish my krishan, eat and eat.

"hey gramps how did u survive in your group how did they not bend u how do i stay as straight as a steel rod"

nico oppa
"see yeobo when i was in exo, my group mates and i did this exercise called the sex the sex is nice and fun."
Liked by: nico oppa

you have to get jongin's D there is a line in front of you

no thank you. he's going to be infected by your mouths once it's my turn. i will get the D in my own way~

how much do you want it

ENOUGH THAT I'm going to sharpen my fangs and lengthen my nails and scare anyone within a five mile radius of his dick


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