

Which countries have you visited?

The only country I've visited is the United States. I have yet to have the chance to travel off the continent or to other countries that are not so close to where I live. ^_^"

Latest answers from Bridget

What makes you nervous?

I get nervous when I'm put on the spot and when I'm about to perform.

Do you make decisions spontaneously or chart out a plan first?

I definitely chart out a plan first. It keeps me focused on the tasks I need to complete, and let's me see where I'm planning to go.

Which song reminds you of your childhood?

It would have to be "I Swear" by All 4 One. It reminds me of watching those music video countdowns as a kid. Of course, any song from Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync, Britney Spears, Spice Girls, S Club 7 and Westlife released in the 90s and early 2000s also reminds me of my childhood. ^_^"

How do you know when you're in love?

In my opinion, you know when you're in love when you keep thinking about that person all the time. When you're not with that person, you miss that person a lot and can't wait to see that person again.

Language: English