

Ask @prianka96

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what goes on in your brain? Do you ever stop and think.."wow I'm weird wtf" (staif) ♥

CaitlinKidcaff’s Profile PhotoKyran
Yh I think I'm weird all the freaking time

imagine being allergic to air, would you be the strongest person seem as you'd get use to it or really weak because you're ill 24/7? so many questions :c

CaitlinKidcaff’s Profile PhotoKyran
Loooooool u on crack 😂😂😂
Liked by: Kyran

I have kik messages I can show you? Not in today but I can show you next week

Are u going to show me the messages Caitlin been sending u or u gunna lie? 😂😂😄
Liked by: Kyran

wouldn't you rather be able to lie about absolute anything and everyone to believe you or to be able to read everyone's mind?

CaitlinKidcaff’s Profile PhotoKyran
Fucking read minds because if someone could lie about everything and get away with it then I could read their mind and catch them lying 😄 also reading minds would be very useful right about now 😄😄😂

if you woke up and you could hear everyone's thoughts, what would you do and would you tell anyone?

CaitlinKidcaff’s Profile PhotoKyran
Omg that would be amazing and Yh I would tell only tell a few people would be fun to freak people out by saying what they are thinking 😄

what's one memory you can never forget? :3

CaitlinKidcaff’s Profile PhotoKyran
Why u gunna ask if u know what it is u belled, that freaking time when u dropped my chips and said sorry it is me. IT WAS FREAKING YOU!!!! Also that time when I got a new I phone also when we ran into the roundabout and when you through the banana at my neck and that time when we didn't know what day it was and the silence was perf. There are so many more but cba to write it 😄


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