
Luthien Tinuviel {Paula}

Ask @princesaluthien

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What's your favorite phrase in a foreign language?

I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.

You're given one wish...what would it be?

I would love to go to Middle Earth(I know....I doesn't even exist ;( )

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What's the weirdest item of clothing you own?

A minion's cap xD My best friend gave it to me but I've never used it.

Yes dear I have twitter and this is my twitter accounting @111glb

Okay :)But first, can you tell me what you need? Do you know me?

Y entonces como esperas que me crea que has hablado con Amanda por mensaje directo??

Puff....es que me da igual que te lo creas o no. Tu me has preguntado y te he dicho que si. No le voy ha hacer una captura de pantalla a mis DM con ella y enviarla aquí. Si quieres puedes ver los tweets que ella me ha respondido y hablado, en twitter pon en buscar tweets: @PrincesaLuthien @CHIMPSINSOCKS

Podrias hacerle una captura de pantalla a tus md con Amanda? Es que es raro wue hayas hablado or md con tu idola............

No, no voy a hacerle capturas de pantalla. Son DMs por eso, son privados, no para que todo el mundo los vea :) Y si no quieres no te lo creas, yo digo la verdad :)

Amanda Abington te sigue verdad? Habeis hablado alguna vez por mensaje directo?

Es Abbington :) Si, mr sigue y hemos hablado por DM alguna vez :)

Which is the most memorable day you have ever had?

It was in december of 2012 , when I watched The Hobbit for first time.That day changed totally my life(in a good sense), since that day I started watching and reading The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit and and I started watching Sherlock(because Martin Freeman was in it).Then I created my twitter account about sherlock and LOTR and I meet( unfortunately not in real live, only by twittter) lovely people that are my twitter friends now. My life is hundreds of time better THANKS to The Hobbit, that's why it was my most memorable day

If you could bring one character to life from your favorite movie, who would it be?

OMG....that's soo difficult because I'm totally in love with many characters, I cannot choose only one.

What do you ship(of Sherlock)? Ehat do you think of the people who ship other characters?

I ship John/Mary , Johnlock and a bit of Mystrade(but not too much).And I respect everyone, I don't mind what other people ship.I respect everyone even if they ship something different :)
Liked by: Tim

Porque en twitter twitteas la mayoria de laa cosas en Ingles?

Pues porque la mayoria de la gente con la que hablo y muchas amigas mias de twitter son Inglesas o no saben hablar Español aunque tambien hay otras que son españolas :)


Language: English