
Katherine Pierce.

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Me dê um bom motivo para gostar do seu shape.

lapetitemuse’s Profile PhotoNicole Scherzinger
Katherine isn't anyone's puppet.
Katherine has the best entrances.
Katherine loves to play games.
Katherine can rip you to shreds and do her nails at the same time.
Katherine always gets what she wants and will do whatever it takes to get it.
Katherine is smart enough to manipulate the situation to whatever benefits her
She's a great dancer.
And... Katherine has the Petrova-fire.
"Katherine Pierce: The three of us together, just like old times. The brother who loved me too much and the one that didn't love me enough.
Damon Salvatore: And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself. - Masquerade (#2.7)"
"Katherine Pierce: Are we really gonna do this? We both know I can rip you to shreds and do my nails at the same time. Memory Lane (#2.4)"
"Stefan Salvatore: What game are you playing?
Katherine Pierce: Fine, you want to play with me?
Stefan Salvatore: I don't know. How can I play if I don't know the rules?
Katherine Pierce: No rules Stefan. Don't you remember? No rules. - The Return (#2.1)"
"Do you honestly believe that I don`t have a plan B? And if that fails a plan C and a plan D. You know how the alphabet works don`t you. Send my love to Stefan. - Plan B (#2.6)"
"Better you die than I. - Katerina (#2.9)"
"You know it's funny, I've always been a little envious of the legend that is Katherine Pierce. The way you wrap men around your little finger." Rebekah to Katherine.
The best quotes, the smartest bitch in town, queen, liar, selfish, manipulative.
Agora você, me dê um bom motivo para não gostar.

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O que acha de pessoas que terminam um relacionamento e tratam o ex como melhor amigo? Tu é assim ou não tem como existir mais tanta intimidade com ex?

Depende muito da maneira como o relacionamento terminou. Eu sou a favor da amizade pós o relacionamento se ambos concordam. O relacionamento acabar não significa que acabou o sentimento e o carinho que o casal nutriu durante o tempo que ficaram juntos, se ambos ainda se importam um com o outro, gostam da companhia um do outro, não tem motivos para deixarem de se falar.

Language: English