
putri hadinata

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kriby hmm -.- ahaaaa and what have u heard about me? *keposss* Dufan!!! superrr close to booking all tix nih :3

kmillsssss’s Profile Photokirbyana mills
Yeass so sorry for called u kriby thats my worst ahaha
A lots of by, and now i knew who are you (maybe) haha
Dan yg aku denger sama yg aku tau skrg itu sama persis :p

me.. sebenarnya ga sengaja off anon.. tau tau udah kekirim aje tapi.... aku lanjutin aja.. hahaah sorry ka.. ayo dong pap

ayana_bie’s Profile PhotoEbby
Pap terus ahhhh mau ga yaaa :p

Ka ceriain moment spesial yg pernah kamu alamin dong

Ahhh aku di kepoin ah gamau ah hahaha :p gakdenggggg
Every moments of my life is special. So what i must tell with ya?

b&a for me

kmillsssss’s Profile Photokirbyana mills
B : who's that kriby (?) (i called you kriby haha) almost my timeline is full of you. I've hear so much bout you
A : your name is kirby not kriby haha lol. So enjoy to have a chat and sharing with you. You so crazy by haha lets come to indo and chillout at DUFAN (Do Fun)

Before after kenal dong hihiy

novafia20’s Profile PhotoNova Fiawati
Before first meet ini siapa yak rame banget deh
After second meet rame gileee, kocak, seruu, and kita punya kebiasaan, kesukaan, and pemikiran yg sama haha dasar scorpio cocok bgt dah kalo rumpi sama anak satu ini
Liked by: Nova Fiawati


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