
Putri Chairia

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fi, imp & desc zizah dong:)

zizah pendek kurang tinggi baik myebelin manja sok imut hoek deh hahahaha pelit kaya org madura solid bangetttttt bisa ngertiin gue bgt. part of amazingers forever & always be my sister huehehe. "Gatel... gatell" "put pancong yuk eh serabi bingung aja deh eh bebek mercon aja deh." banyak maunya kan:( "main lagi dong ke rumah zizah" masih bnyk lagi deh pokoknya gaya ngomongnya tuh alay lebay ewh baday hahahahaha laaaft♥

Dulu Aldi pake mobil ya ?

Omg.... whos the hell asked me like this?hahahaha nope kok jaraaaaang bgt aku seringnya naik motor. eh tp LDRan dulu hehehe. stop asking me about Aldi ya. He just my past. and I should forgot him no matter what happen:)

What is the one thing you could not live without?

Allah, my family. bcs they are always beside me everysingle day. and i could imagine that if they were going away :(

What makes you really mad?

so so many more things who could made me so mad. ex: when i started over some chitchat then they tried not respon me, whats the hell is that? sounds boring right?

What do you think Ask.fm has, that no other site has?

Menurut L? i could have fans or i mean haters who loving me so much damn. they could ask me anything that they want.


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