
Qazi Hayyan

Ask @qazihayyan

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What do you wish for the most in the new year?

Isn't it strange , how just a little over two weeks ago, the whole of Pakistan was in mourning? How all flags were at half mast, how all businesses had shut down to show solidarity, how everyone had put up black display pictures ?
Just over two weeks and already we seem to have forgotten. We have once again become absorbed in our selfish lives. Where we strive and work hard only for our personal gain. We have forgotten that the enemy is still at the gates, that the threat still looms large. The winter break was extended due to this threat and instead of striving to work hard to make a difference for the days to come, we are rejoicing that "yay, zyada chuttiyan mil gayin" ?
Have we lost all our humanity? Have we no shame ? Are we still not going to wake up from this stupor we have been in for the past entirety of our lives? Sure, let's all just point fingers at a so called islamist extremist group and be done with it.
All I want for this new year, is for our nation to wake up. For our people to realize the magnitude of the loss we have faced. For our nation to unite to combat this terror. And for our generation to become determined to work hard to make a difference for the years to come.
May Allah grant sabar to the families affected by the Peshawer tragedy.

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ok hayaaa ok aimen anwer okkkkk xD still laughing? xD

Shh.... we do not talk about such things here. Acha I'm not laughing okay ? :P


I'm actually laughing like this right now xD

bruh i wnt 2 dye

Yaar ek tou aap sab ki English ko salaam. Ab mujhe ye batao k are you talking about dyeing or dying ? Because one is where you colour your hair. The other is where you stop existing. Konse wale ki baat kar rahe ho ?
Liked by: Huda

Two events are said to be independent if the occurrence of one event does not affect the occurrence of the other.

Well okay if you say so ._.
Liked by: Mariam.


Language: English